A Podcasting Blog from
Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for
Podcasters and Listerners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS,
podcast news and aggregation.
Information related to podcasts
are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast
product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters
and much, much more.
04/28/2005 Podcasting Is a Success in New York
Newsday is the latest New York-area newspaper to jump on
the podcasting bandwagon. Podcasting may not yet be a mainstream
technology, but the promise is boundless, according to one academic
at Columbia University interviewed for the story. Already, there
are 4,500 podcasts and 6 million podcast listeners nationwide,
plus a vast untapped international marketplace.
What's cool is that initial efforts to integrate podcasting
into a broader overall business strategy have been successful.
The New York Sharks women's professional football team, for
example, has found that podcasting has been a relatively cheap
way to extend their audience and brand to new markets.
04/27/2005 Fee Based Podcasts
Podshows tries
a different model for podcasting fee based subscription podcasting.
Hmmm, with all the free podcasts available it will be interesting
to see how this takes shape. The natural progression for
ammortizing podcasts isn't unusual but I expected to see commercials
in podcasts before subscription podcasts.
According to the site:
"Podshows gives you the best broadcasters and the best entertainment
at the best price!"
04/26/2005 Star Trek Boldly Goes Into Podcasting
StarTrek.com is making its first foray into podcasting with
its In a Mirror, Darkly episode audio commentary. The podcast
features episode writer Mike Sussman and the site's editorial
director Tim Gaskill.
How it Works
1. Tape or TiVo the episode on UPN this Friday night. It's recommended
that you watch the episode first.
2. Download the commentary in either MP3, QuickTime or Windows
Media format.
3. Replay the episode and simultaneously listen to the commentary,
either on your computer or digital media player. Cues are provided
for ad breaks, so you should be able to follow along with the
Startrek Podcast
04/25/2005 Podcasting Tools - Using podcasting tools broadcasters,
publishers and webmasters can increase their audience and reach.
Podcasting is increasing in popularity and, realizing that
many are interested in providing audio content in a podcast,
we have assembled a collection of tools that make creation,
promotion and listening to podcasts a little easier.
Complete Article - Podcasting Tools & Resources
04/23/2005 Podcast Innovations enhances Podcasting with the
Introduction of Podconferencing
PodcastInnovations.com has announced the next
step in the ever expanding use of a new method for Portable
On Demand audio content, known as Podcasting. With thousands
Podcasting a wide variety of content, the continuing development
of this new medium is changing the way audio files are used
and distributed. The
announcement today provides the next logical step in the evolution
of information distribution, Podconferencing. Using the latest
technological advance in Voice Over Internet Protocol, and the
power of a peer-to-peer system, Podconferencing has arrived.
*PODDEX 1.0 *will be the first all Internet Podconference.
04/22/2005 Macintosh Podcast Software in Beta - Create, Edit
and Publish Podcast Feeds on a Mac
FeedForAll Mac - software to create, edit and publish RSS
feeds and podcasts on your Mac is now available in beta form.
A 'Beta' release of FeedForAll Mac software has been released.
This means that the product is stable, but does not yet contain
all the features planned for the final release. Nor does it
contain all the documentation.
Additional details and free download - http://www.feedforall.com/beta.htm
04/21/2005 Forbes Speaks Up About Podcasting - Podcasting:
Making Waves
Just when we grasped what blogging was all about, along
came podcasting, which in some ways is even more disruptive
and exciting as blogging. Being a podcaster myself, I've seen
firsthand the business and legal chaos podcasts have created.
As you'll see (and hear) in this column, perhaps they might
soon create some political chaos too. Simply put, podcasting
is the act of recording and transmitting digital audio over
the Internet to one's computer or MP3 player. The "pod" in podcasting
refers to Apple's iPod, but any MP3 player can play podcasts.
Using a streaming-media player, you also can listen to podcasts
right off the Web. Most listeners do.
Complete Forbes Article
04/19/2005 Podcasting Station - Podcast Directory and Search
Easily find topic specific Podcasts feeds by searching or
navigating Podcasting Station's directory. Podcasts can be found
by searching for keywords or by using the directories categories.
Visit Podcasting Station or Submit Podcasts
04/18/2005 Podcasters Are Creeping in To Take Over Radio
Some podcasts sound as slick as commercial radio; others
are painfully amateur. They touch on everything from the latest
iPod gadgets to hot new pop music remixes to God knows what.
For now, podcasting still lives in the shadowy realm of tech
geeks. But at the rate it's catching on, it won't be long before
the pod people invade the mainstream.
They're coming. With bedtime stories and Spanish lessons, they're
coming. With dirty jokes and Eastern medicine, they're coming.
With wine tips and pop music mash-ups, they're coming.
They are the podcasters, about 3,500 people broadcasting homegrown
audio shows, or podcasts, around the world via the Internet.
Complete Article
04/15/2005 BBC to do more Podcast
The BBC will ‘podcast’ up to 20 more radio shows including
excerpts of Radio 4’s ‘Today’ programme and Radio Five Live
sports debate show ‘Fighting Talk’, following on from the success
of its initial downloading trial.
Speaking at Music Radio 2005, BBC radio and music interactive
controller Simon Nelson revealed that the podcasting trial,
where listeners have news programmes delivered to their computer
or MP3 player, will be extended until the end of the year due
to the success of last year’s effort. He added that the BBC
will explore the technology and distribution of the medium further.
“The BBC was the first British broadcaster to broadcast when
we made ‘In Our Time‘ available last year and this trial will
enable us to further explore the editorial, technical and distribution
issues involved,” Nelson said.
The trial means the BBC will offer its first daily podcasts
including the ‘Today’ programme’s 8.10am interview, along with
weekly highlights of Radio 1 programmes for listeners to download
and transfer to portable audio players. |
04/14/2005 Apple Income Up 500% Because of the iPod - Guess
its Catching
Apple has announced financial results for its fiscal 2005
second quarter ended March 26, 2005. For the quarter, the Company
posted a net profit of $290 million, or $.34 per diluted share.
This compares to a net profit of $46 million, or $.06 per diluted
share, in the year-ago quarter.
Apple shipped 1,070,000 Macintosh units and 5,311,000 iPods
during the quarter, representing a 43 percent increase in CPU
units and a 558 percent increase in iPods over the year-ago
04/13/2005 Podcasts As Mobile Content
Podcasting continues to gain momentum, and today a number
of well-known UK DJs announced they'd begin selling professional-quality
shows, priced pretty cheaply. Why not target some to mobiles?
Mainstream media is catching on to podcasts, with lots of radio
stations beginning to offer downloadable shows, and more "professionals"
are becoming interested in them as well -- a group of UK DJs
the latest to get involved. Interestingly, they're going to
sell half-hour shows for 49p and hour-long shows for 99p, and
although there are some drawbacks to their content, it seems
like a medium that could be well-suited to the mobile phone.
Complete Article
04/13/2005 iPod One
The music tastes of U.S. President George W. Bush have come
under scrutiny after an aide revealed the playlist of his new
iPod player.
The portable digital device, given to Bush by his daughters
Jenna and Barbara last July, contains much country music, but
also songs by Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison and the Knack.
The MP3 player, which can store up to 10,000 songs, only contains
about 250, according to the New York Times, which first reported
the story.
"iPod One," as the player has been dubbed, is used by Bush while
he pedals around his Texas ranch on a mountain bike, presidential
media adviser Mark McKinnon told the newspaper.
The task of downloading the music falls to the 58-year-old president's
personal aide, Blake Gottesman, who buys individual songs and
albums from the iTunes music store.
Complete Article
04/11/2005 Is Podcasting For Real
Shel Holtz's recent response to Darren Barefoot's "Why I'm
Not Smoking the Podcasting Dope", was dead on.
Holtz responds to each issue that Darren raised.
Mainstream radio will take over podcasting, offering time-shifted
versions of their own content.
The time-shifted nature of podcasting is great, but it's
not the only-or even the main-reason that podcasts appeal to
people. Most of the radio we're subjected to these days is programmed
by corporations. My daughter, for instance, has pretty much
given up on radio, since she hears the same songs (pushed by
the labels) over and over again. What she likes about P2P and,
now, podcasting, is the opportunity to hear alternative music.
Radio is also sanitized. (Just ask Howard Stern.) Podcasting
is about genuine voices. It's also about narrowcasting. Neville
and I will never have hundreds of thousands of people listening
to FIR, but if we have the key influencers in the public relations
world in our small audience, we'll be very happy.
complete article
04/11/2005 Homespun Podcasts Explore Universe of Topics
As millions of pilgrims streamed into Rome this past week,
Internet listeners accompanied a Dutch priest on an intimate
audio tour to pay one last visit to Pope John Paul II before
he was laid to rest.
Father Roderick Vonhogen brought the Catholic Church's ancient
rites to life through a cutting-edge format: the podcast, a
radio-style show that is distributed over the Internet.
Podcasts have caught on like wildfire since they first emerged
nine months ago. Listeners can pick from roughly 10,000 shows
on topics ranging from religion to wine to technology, and media
companies and advertisers are taking note.
Complete Article
04/07/2005 TopCast Awards to Recognize Podcast Industry's
Top Programming Talent This Fall
Nominations for Thirty Top Podcast Category Awards Are Now
Being Accepted Online at www.topcast.org
Move over Academy Awards, the growing Podcast industry now has
its own awards program and nominations for Podcast shows and
Podcast industry talent are now being accepted online at http://www.topcast.org/. The TopCast Awards
were developed to enhance, promote and strengthen the relatively
new podcasting phenomenon as it continues to evolve. Internet
entrepreneur and TopCast awards event founder Peter W. Bowman
is pleased that already over twenty-five online nominations
have been submitted for the TopCast Awards after less than one
week online.
04/06/2005 Podcast Radio Show! Get Podcast Tips and Information.
Listen to the Podcast
Radio Show - Live from the PodCast Marketing Promenade we
look deeper into PodCast Marketing, and take a trip to the PodCast
Marketing Green Room. Listen to the interview with Sharon Housley.They
discuss Internet marketing, RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
and niched PodCasting strategies.
Great resource for podcasting and online marketers.
04/05/2005 Pope Podcasts Show Importance Of Medium
Regardless of your religion, I think you can agree that
the passing of Pope John Paul II is an historic event. When
I visited Catholic Insider and listened to the podcasts there,
I connected to this event at a new level.
These podcasts have impacted me more than any of the news
coverage I've seen. Disclaimer: I have16 years of Catholic education
under my belt and have visited Rome and the Vatican.
Catholic Insider is a podcast site run by Father Roderick
Vonhögen, a Catholic priest based in The Netherlands. His eyewitness
account as a mourner in Vatican City brings you specific details
and the emotion of the moment, something that a reporter simply
Father Vonhögen also uses podcasting to accomplish something
that many blogs simply cannot-no matter how well-written. Live,
eyewitness accounts will certainly raise awareness of podcasting...much
in the way they did for blogs. Podcasts like this will also
help differentiate the technology from blogs.
The CatholicInsider
04/04/2005 Podcast & Portable Media Expo Announces Podcast
Award Categories
Podcast and Portable Media Expo will be giving awards in
various categories to individuals, teams and companies in the
following areas. The awards will be chosen by a committee of
influential press, podcasters, bloggers and technologists.
The Best of Show awards are given to companies with products
that have been recently introduced or are making their public
debut at Podcast & Portable Media Expo in the following
- Best Digital Audio Device
- Best Portable Video Player
- Best Audio Editing Tool
- Best Video Editing Tool
- Best Content Subscription Tool or Service (Free)
- Best Content Subscription Tool or Service (Paid)
- Best Pay-Per-Download Service
The Podcast of the Year award is given to an individual or team
of individuals producing a podcast at least once per week in
the previous 6 months. The committee considers the quality of
the content only, and not the size of audience or popularity
The Most Unique Application of Podcasting award is given to
an individual or team of individuals using podcasting in a unique
way to reach an audience in the previous 6 months. The committe
considers the creativity and effectiveness of the use of podcasting
in ways that further the growth of the medium.
The Portable Content of the Year award is given to an individual
or team of individuals producing compelling audio or video content
at least once per week in the previous 6 months. The committee
considers the quality of the content only, and not the size
of audience or popularity ranking.
The Person of the Year - Podcasting award recognizes the person
having the most positive influence on the growth and popularity
of podcasting in the previous 12 months.
Person of the Year - Portable Media The Person of the Year -
Portable Media award recognizes the person having the most positive
influence on the growth and popularity of portable media in
the previous 12 months.
Additional Details
04/03/2005 Startling Growth for Australia's Podcast Network
Booming growth in demand for innovative audio programming
has resulted in startling expansion for Australian new media
company The Podcast Network.
Launched mid-February to capitalise on a global explosion of
portable audio players, the month of March saw a show being
downloaded every 44 seconds from the network. Over 60,000 mp3
files were downloaded from their website, www.thepodcastnetwork.com,
with a new listener being added every 1.7 minutes.
04/01/2005 Radio Broadcasting Association Buys Podcasting
In a surprise move, the Broadcasting Organization of
the Greater United States has purchased the rights to the technology
underlying podcasting for an undisclosed sum. As part of the
deal, two of the pioneers of podcasting, Dave Winter & Alan
Curry, have agreed to join the organization with the title of
podcasting evangelists.
"It's all about respect," said Winter in a statement. "The
Organization was prepared to offer me a lot of respect, and
I couldn't really refuse the offer."
complete article
The downside - they are changing the spec! Just as podcasting
is gaining momentum and popularity a modified standard that
will complicate and confuse! To make matters worth the spec
will be iPod specific alternative device support will not be
encouraged. :-( Don't these people get it??? This is a really
BAD idea.
create, edit, and publish podcast feeds. |

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