resource for podcasting podcasting tools

How to Podcast
What is Podcasting?
Podcasting Software
History of Podcasting
Podcasting Articles
Podcasting Uses
Submit Podcasts
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Podcast Validators
Podcast Graphics
Podcast FAQ
Podcast Directory
Podcasting Forums
Podcast Feeds
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Podcast Sites
Podcasting Blog
Podcasting Wikis
Podcasting Directories

Podcasting Uses

Podcasts can be used for a number of different things, and as the industry evolves I'm sure broadcasters and webmasters will find additional ways to use podcasts in the future.

1.) Talk Shows
2.) Music Shows
3.) Interviews
4.) Story Telling
5.) Tutorials
6.) Directions
7.) Commentaries
8.) Sportscasts









create podcasts FeedForAll
create, edit, and publish podcast feeds.

audio recording software RecordForAll
audio recording and editing software

Podcasting Ornament
Podcasting Ornaments!

podcasting tools