08/31/2006 What is a Podcast?
I was reading on a podcasting forum (which will remain unnamed),
and the question "What is a Podcast" came up. Apparently some
posters (who claim to be podcasters) feel that a simple audio
file is a podcast.
I think Adrian Pegg said it best so I just copied his post from April of 2006 below:
When is a podcast NOT a podcast?
I have noticed recently that some big brands are creating
MP3s of content and making them available for download and calling
them podcasts. But they are doing this without the one essential
element that distinguishes these from just being audio files
to download, and that, of course, is the RSS feed. UK tabloid
The Sun has just done this with its Bizarre column.
If you can't subscribe to it, then it isn't a podcast, is
Ahh yes, that is correct, a podcast is as much about delivery
as it is about content. |
08/29/2006 New Beta Version of Podcasting Software
A new beta version of FeedForAll has been released. The new version
has integrated support for iTunes and auto detects the appropriate
mime type for any enclosures.
It also has a number of other features, including a built in
validator, a preview option, and an improved WYSWIG editor (for
show notes).
Download FeedForAll Beta Now! |
08/29/2006 Consumers Battle with Apple
Consumer representatives from several Nordic countries
are discussing how to proceed in their battle against Apple
Computer over the iTunes digital rights management (DRM) policy.
Opposition to the link between iTunes and the iPod has also
emerged in France and the U.K. France recently passed a law
that initially would have required Apple to reveal its DRM technology
to other music player makers, although the final law allowed
companies to keep their technologies private. In the U.K., a
recording industry trade group has publicly complained about
the iTunes exclusivity.
Full Article |
08/29/2006 New Pod Term - Podfade
According to Wikipedia -
"Podfade occurs when a person who does a podcast stops podcasting
due to lack of time, interest or resources. It can also be used
to talk about the (arguable) decline of podcasting as a whole,
possibly being superseded by vidcasts." |
08/29/2006 Podosphere on Auction
The domain podosphere.com is for sale on ebay. Will be
interesting to see how much the auction brings, it does not
appear that there is a reserve set. |
08/29/2006 Apple iTunes Feed Generator
Create a custom feed on iTunes to monitor
top songs, todays top albums, featured songs in various music
genres. |
08/28/2006 Pottercasts
Podcasting is reaching niche saturation...
"If nothing else the Internet is one of those places where
pop-culture phenomena come together and collide in new and interesting
ways. In the world of Harry Potter online fandom this means
a flurry of podcasts have sprung up to report Harry Potter news,
debate Harry Potter theories and celabrate beloved or despised
Harry Potter characters."
Pottercasts |
08/27/2006 Podcast Regulation in China
The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of
China (SARFT) is expected to promulgate a new regulation to
bridle increasing malicious podcasts. But the regulation is
in the process of being approved by higher authority, according
to sources. Online firms have to apply for a license from SARFT
to publish audio-videos after the regulation take effects, projects
industry experts. |
08/26/2006 Creative Labs Cashes in On Apple
Creative was recently awarded a patent on technology used
in Apple's iPod line, resulting in a payment of $100 million
from Apple to Creative for use of the technology. |
08/27/2006 Podcast Micro-Niches
BizPodcasting illustrates how podcast micro-niches
"Yup - that was a page with no less than 16 knitting podcasts
on it. 16 podcasts on a topic that I don't know a single person
in the world who practises it. But they all have listeners."
They also go on to make the point that knitting suppliers have
a very attractive target market for advertising.
08/27/2006 Podcast Roundup
Evan Williams (of Blogger fame) put together a handy review
of podcast directories. Alexa charts were included,
unfortunately not all websites were included. Another podcast directory comparison can be found
on Podcasting Tools. |
08/26/2006 Duct Tape Marketing
Duct Tape Marketing, a very popular marketing
blog gave Podcasting Tools a shout out in their blog,
mentioning podcasting tools as a resource. |
08/22/2006 MIME Types for Podcasts
Check out this list of common MIME file types, makes creating podcasts easy.
Simply use this reference to define the appropriate MIME type
for the enclosure. |
08/22/2006 Niche Religious PODcast Directories are Rampant!
Well we've gradually been witnessing the increase of niche
podcasting directories. Religion seems to be the hot topic,
with a number of vertical directories joining the Religious Podcast Directory (all faiths) with
spiritual podcasts.
GODCast1000 - directory of Christian
audio and video podcasts.
Church Podcasts
- collection of Christian podcasts. |
08/21/2006 MyTunesRSS new app for Audio Sharing
MyTunesRSS is an application for accessing
your iTunes library from any computer connected through a network.
You can browse and search your library with any browser, use
existing playlists or create new ones. From all this data you
can create RSS feeds or M3U playlists in your browser and use
them with appropriate programs. So you can play your iTunes
tracks on today's clients like the Playstation Portable.
08/20/2006 Portuguese Podcasting Directory
It was only a matter of time before language specific podcasting
directories popped up. Lusocast seems to be one of the firsts, it
contains all podcasts in Portuguese. |
08/17/2006 Podcasting Award Winners Announced
The 2006 People's Choice Podcast Awards sub-category winners
have been announced:
Best Podcast Directory – Apple iTunes
Best Mobile Podcast – Catholic Insider
Business - Manager Tools
Comedy - Distorted View
Cultural / Arts - Anime Pulse
Education - Tips from the Top Floor
Entertainment – Pottercast
Food and Drink - The Good Beer Show
Gaming - Podtacular
General - Rosary Army
GLBT - Feast of Fools
Health / Fitness - Sex is Fun!
Mature - The Dawn and Drew Show
Movies / Films - The Signal
PodSafe Music - Accident Hash
Political - Free Talk Live
Religion Inspiration - Daily Breakfast
Sports - Fantoo Girls - Where The Girls Talk Sports
Technology / Science - DiggNation
Travel - Mouse Tunes
More |
08/16/2006 Poddig - a Digg for Podcasts
Poddigg is
a social network where listeners "digg" their favorite podcasts.
The podcasts with the most diggs receive higher ranking than
others. |
08/15/2006 Need Help Displaying Podcasts on a Website?
FeedForAll has a free rss2html script that displays RSS feeds (or
podcast feeds) as HTML web pages. As the feed is updated the
web page dynamically updates. The web page can be completely
customized to match the websites look and feel. A new addition
helps webmasters who are graphically challenged by allow them
to subscribe to a special rss2html
template directory. They can download rss2html
web templates that they find appealing.
more: rss2html template directory |
08/10/2006 SBA Podcast is NOT a Podcast
Maybe I'm clueless but the Small Business Administration
has created a page they call podcasts. And I can't for the life of me find
the feed. It looks to me like they have a static HTML page with
mp3 files on it, they are calling the MP3 files podcasts.
I'm glad that they want to podcast that is great! But small
businesses learn from their example. A podcast is an RSS feed
with an audio enclosure (hint to SBA that means you should put
the mp3 files in an RSS feed). It is fine to display the podcast
feed as they have done, but offer the feed for those who don't
visit their website regularly. Oh, and while they are at it,
they should add auto-discovery information to the header of
the web page :-)
Note to SBA: If you need help just ask! |
08/10/2006 iTunes Competitor to Emerge in 2007
Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, is planning
to compete head-to-head with Apple Computer for control of the
multi-billion dollar global market for digital music.
The Finnish company will in 2007 set up a rival to Apple's
iTunes online music store and also hopes its music-enabled phones
will eventually depose Apple's iconic iPod digital music player.
The new service, as yet unnamed, could pose a threat to Apple's
dominance of the multi-billion dollar online music industry,
which it built following the 2001 launch of iTunes and the iPod. |
08/10/2006 iPod Compatible Levis Have A Long Tail
Photos are emerging on the blogosphere of iPod compatible
Levis. The strange thing is the long red tail that tethers listeners
to their iPods, don't know if it will be considered fashionable
or not.
08/10/2006 iPod for Toilets
Could it get any stranger? iCarta can dispense toilet paper and has an
integrated iPod holder. Truly giving new meaning to the phrase
listen anywhere...
08/09/2006 PodCamp in Boston
PodCamp is
going to be in Boston on Sept 9-10, 2006. PodCamp will be held
at Bunker Hill Community College and looks like its shaping
up quite nice!
I'm really disappointed as I would love to attend, unfortunately
I'm in the 50 Mile MS Challenge Walk the same weekend so I will
be unable to attend. |
08/08/2006 RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization
RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly
managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic.
RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic
titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds
as an online marketing and search engine optimization tool.
Just as optimizing an HTML web page will increase exposure,
so too will an RSS feed that is properly optimized and promoted.
Use these simple tips to improve your web feed exposure.
RSS Feed Tips |
08/08/2006 Medical Podcasts
A new RSS feed directory specifically for medical and health
conditions has launched. The new medical feeds directory also contains a section
with medical podcasts.
If you have a podcast show that includes medical or health or
medical information you are encouraged to submit your medical podcast. |
08/08/2006 French iPod Law Takes Effect
A closely watched French law that lets regulators force
Apple Computer Inc. to make its iPod player and iTunes online
store compatible with rival offerings went into effect Thursday.
The Internet copyright law passed France’s parliament June
30 after fierce debate and a gradual weakening of its initial
punch. Apple had called an early draft “state-sponsored piracy,”
and some analysts have said the law could force Apple to close
iTunes France and pull its market-leading player from the country’s
Complete Article |
08/08/2006 AutoPods
Owners of Ford, Mazda and GM cars who want to take their
iPods on the road may no longer have to worry about purchasing
quirky add-ons like the iTrip or chargers that plug into cigarette
lighters. Apple announced on Thursday that it has teamed up
with the three car companies to incorporate "seamless integration"
into new 2007 models that will let iPods be controlled within
cars' audio systems and charged whenever the ignition is on.
08/08/2006 5FM Told to Stop Podcasting
South African Radio Station 5FM is being accused by RISA
(The Recording Industry of South Africa) of breaking copyright
law and condoning the illegal sharing of music a local SA paper
reported yesterday. 5FM is one the most profitable radio stations
around and when listeners requested the station started podcasting
the station listened and responded. This was a huge step in
the local industry only to be shot down by RISA. 5FM responded
immediately by taking the podcasts off the net. In november
2005 5FM told RISA that podcasting was a grey area in terms
of copyright issues. RISA responded that there is no mistake
on the illegality of this sort of podcasting and nowhere else
in the world do commercial broadcasters hide behind this sort
of facade. Now RISA and EMI records are accusing 5FM of bullying
tactics and lack of respect for artists. SABC was unavailable
for comment.
08/07/2006 PodLove
PodshowCreator.com, a web-based podcasting service, enabling
businesses, organizations and individuals to easily host, publish,
manage, and syndicate documents, audio, and video content announced
a partner relationship with Podfeed.net, a podcast directory
where visitors can find, listen to, review and generate personalized
RSS subscription feeds. Financial details of the partner relationship
were not announced.
08/07/2006 Social Bookmarking Icons
Notepage, Inc. has just developed a social bookmarking tool that will help web
designers create bookmarking chicklets with ease. This tool
allows users to enter the title, description and URL of their
website and it creates bookmark chicklets that can be inserted
into their website.
Social bookmarking has quickly become a popular way for frequent
internet users to share their favorite websites with the public.
Having a website added to a bookmark directory can increase
traffic significantly. Bookmark chicklets are a newer creation
that help remind those viewing a website to add it to the social
bookmarking directories. It makes the bookmarking process easier
for those who have found a website that is a good source of
information or services. Another advantage of the tool is that
the website description that goes into the bookmark is written
into the script, allowing creators of the chicklet to choose
how their website will be described in the directory.
The tool is easy to use for even novice web designers. It can
also be used to add chicklets to blogs. Creating the chicklets
is instantaneous when using this tool. It is a free service
available to anyone.
Social Bookmarking Made Easy |
08/05/2006 Marist College Tech Innovator Due to Podcasting
Marist College has been named one of 16 "Campus Technology Innovators" nationally
by Campus Technology magazine. Approximately 500 colleges and
universities were considered for inclusion in the magazine's
August issue.
Marist achieved this national distinction in the area of
podcasting. Magazine editors noted that Marist stood out from
other institutions because Marist is the only college or university
to have student-driven course content. |
08/04/2006 United States Joint Forces Command Communicates
Using Podcasts
Communication from U. S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)
takes a new twist as news from the command will become available
in a podcast audio format
starting today. |
08/04/2006 Podcasting Call For Papers
The Corporate Podcasting Summit, a podcast conference that
focuses on business podcasting, has announced plans for events
in London, UK and the US East Coast in 2007.
Summit organizers are looking for a number of case studies,
expert speakers, and enterprise podcasters from the public and
private sectors for the 2007 shows. Topics addressed at these
summits include:
- What you need to get started - and how much it will really
cost you in time and money
- Integrating a podcast into an existing web presence and getting
executive support for your podcasting initiative
- Adding a podcast to your marketing mix
- The licensing, copyright and legal issues to be aware of
- Measuring Return on Investment, and Return on Influence
- Using podcasts to speed up internal processes
Submit Abstracts
08/04/2006 Vote for Podcasts
Choice Podcast Awards needs your vote. Between now and August
11, 2006, you can vote on your top pick of podcasts in 22 categories.
08/02/2006 Verizon iPod
Verizon Wireless has announced a digital music player called
"Chocolate" that uses a cell phone made by LG Electronics to
play songs downloaded over Verizon's wireless network.
With its circular scroll pad, the device looks like Apple Computer's
iPod MP3 player, adding another player to an increasingly crowded
market. |
08/01/2006 Submit Podcasts
The list of podcast directories is growing at a very rapid
pace. Be sure to submit your podcast to the large list of podcasting
directories listed on Podcasting Tools. |