Effective Podcasts
Many people assume that podcasting is all about audio and fail to
acknowledge the writing behind the show. Skilled communicators understand
the type of planning required in order to pull off a clean final
product. The most memorable and effective podcasts are always well
planned. Some of the best podcast shows use a script and follow
a structured format. The preparation that occurs behind the scenes
is similar to what would take place for a radio show.
Podcast Pre Show Preparation Tips
Preshow development, while monotonous and time consuming, will determine
the quality of the finished production. Prepare for your podcast
by following these simple steps:
Prepare interview questions in advance of the show. In addition,
develop possible follow-up questions and responses.
Anticipate how much time each segment should last. Make a schedule,
and keep in mind that you can edit audio segments down if necessary.
Prepare Guests
Inform your guests about what they can expect. Familiarize them
with the show's format and give them an idea of the anticipated
length of the segment and the general theme of your questions.
Podcast Post Show Production Tips
Do not underestimate the importance of a transcript when it comes
to a podcasting. Transcripts boost search ranking and allow you
to re-purpose your show's contents.
Just as in the movies, your podcast should be melded together with
smooth transitions between thoughtfully edited segments. The editing
matters! Use software to polish your production.
If a show is recorded in one large segment, it should
be edited down. Extraneous audio should be removed. Transition effects,
background music, and intro or extro can be added.
Provide your guests with a link to the show. If they are active
on the web there is a good chance they will promote the segment
on their website.
Establish Resources
Do not forget to add a section with links to any material cited
in the podcast show.
The planning and work that takes place before and
after a podcast is an important part for a professional show. Do
not neglect preparation or post-show production tasks.
About the Author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll http://www.feedforall.com
software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts.
In addition Sharon manages marketing for RecordForAll http://www.recordforall.com
podcast software for audio recording and editing.