A Podcasting Blog from
Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for
Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast
news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added
on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product
announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and
much, much more.
03/31/2007 Online Sermons a Hit
Lets take a look at the vertical communities in podcasting
which is no more evident that it is in religious circles. The
following portals are all dedicated to podcast preaching:
Religious Podcasts
03/30/2007 Hilary Duff Reaching Out via Podcast
Hilary Duff, chart-topping recording artist, headlining
concert performer, actress, designer, philanthropist and businesswoman,
and Wizzard Media, today announced Hilary's enormously popular
video podcasts will be distributed by Wizzard Media. Hilary's
podcast can be found on Apple's iTunes and on Hilary's recently
re-launched hilaryduff.com.
03/29/2007 Singapore Looks at Podcasting
Singapore is reviewing the code that governs competition
in the print and broadcast media markets to include new media.
First implemented in April 2003, the Code of Practice for
Market Conduct in the Provision of Mass Media Services spells
out the rights and obligations of "regulated persons" and entities
that provide mass media services, and sets the ground rules
for fair competition.
Singapore Looks at New Medium |
03/27/2007 Tips to Make Your Podcast Standout
Podcasts are relatively inexpensive to create, as a result,
and the quality in published podcasts is extremely diverse.
Corporate podcasts can be very polished audio productions while
hobbyist experimenting with podcasts may have dogs barking and
children's screaming in the background.
After all it is the content that matters right? Well no, not
exactly remember when black and white televisions could "kind
of" tune into stations it was just a hazy effect. How many continued
to watch the grainy or flipping screen. Rarely was the show
so riveting did it hold the interest of the viewer. Unless of
course the content was forbidden to young eyes (as in the playboy
Tips to Make Your Podcast Standout |
03/27/2007 Podcasting Statistics
Interesting podcasting statistics:
49% female, 51% male.
All ages. The survey found more listeners 55+ than in the
18-24 age group.
Well-educated. Twice as many podcast users have advanced
degrees as others.
Well-to-do. Podcast users are twice as likely to have incomes
over 100K and nearly twice as likely to have incomes between
75K and 100K.
Wired - spending more than 50% more time online.
More likely than others to own an HDTV and use a TiVo or
other digital video recorder.
More than twice as likely to own an iPod or other portable
media player.
More than twice as likely to own video gaming systems.
Twice as likely as others to use NetFlix or other DVD rental
36% more likely than others to have made online purchases.
Nearly 4 times as likely to have purchased songs or other
digital audio online. |
03/21/2007 New Podcast Submission Websites
We have just updated the huge list of podcast directories that podcasters
can submit to. |
03/21/2007 Making Money for Podcasts
Podcasts started out as fun ways for ambitious garage DJs,
independent musicians and talk show hosts, who had not ventured
into radio broadcasting as a way to show their stuff and make
a name for themselves. What started as a hobby for many, has
turned into a lucrative profession for some.
Making Money for Podcasts |
03/20/2007 YouTube Video Awards
The video-sharing Web site announced Monday that it will
hold the first YouTube Video Awards to recognize the best-user
created videos of 2006.
The awards will be handed out in seven categories: most creative,
most inspirational, best series, best comedy, musician of the
year, best commentary and "most adorable video ever."
The nominees, picked by YouTube, are compiled in a gallery at
complete article |
03/20/2007 PodioBooks
There is a niche in podcasting that, in my opinion, has
not gotten enough attention. I’m talking about podcast novels,
or podiobooks. These are just like audiobooks, except authors
record them in podcast format, meaning they usually produce
a new chapter every week published in an RSS feed. What has
amazed me in the four months I’ve been listening to podcast
novels is just the incredible quality of the content, which
is, like any podcast, free.
website focussed on podiobooks |
03/19/2007 Podcast Surprise
The surprise about podcasting isn't that millions are listening
— the surprise is that millions are listening to some fairly
arcane stuff.
from USA Today:
In the rapidly expanding parallel media universe of podcasting
— downloadable audio (and sometimes video) shows posted on
the Internet — this largely entertainment-dominated format
has been embraced by the techno-chic. But now some previously
obscure academics, educators and amateur enthusiasts — who
once had only each other with whom to share their specialized
passions — are becoming improbable podstars, complete with
national media attention and swelling fan bases. |
03/18/2007 Manipulate iTunes for Scholarships
An organization called Bum Rush the Charts, which calls
itself a "virtual flash mob crossed with a charity," plans to
encourage people worldwide to buy the a certain song on iTunes,
in an attempt to drive it to the top of the charts and generate
money, 45% of which will be used for college scholarships.
complete article |
03/13/2007 Podcasting Legalities
Podcasting legalities reminds me of the saying " Oh what
a web we weave when we first deceive". I will try to untangle
the web of podcasting's legal side from a layman's point of
view. First what is a podcast? A podcast is a multimedia file
that is distributed by subscription (paid or unpaid) over the
Internet using syndication feeds. Like 'radio', podcasts can
mean both the content and the method of broadcast. The latter
may also be termed podcasting. Though podcasters' web sites
may also offer direct downloads to the audio files or streaming
of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other digital
audio formats by its ability to be downloaded automatically
using software capable of reading RSS feed formats.
Somebody has made a podcast, this file, has been referenced
in an RSS feed, which is posted on a webserver. You have a product,
a virtual store and the all important consumer. Sounds easy
right? This is where the fun (confusion) begins, copyrighted
material, licenses, usage of music for an nonprofit groups,
everyone seems to have their hand out for the money. Who do
you pay? And what are you paying for?
The latter answer is two fold:
1. You pay the songwriters, which gives you the rights to the
music being performed.
2. Then you are paying for a license to make a public performance
of music.
There are three companies that take care of the mainstream artist
1. Seasac
2. BMI
Each of these firms offers a revenue sharing license for Internet
radio stations. They will modify their licenses to work with
Now for the performance of the music, you have to pay the people
who own the recordings, the record labels.
1. A master use license from the record label, read more at
2. There is a statutory license that arrived in 2002 for the
purposes of webcasting.
3. Mechanical rights , which entitles you to make copies of
music recordings are administered by the Harry Fox Agency. Also
SongFile.com is another good good source to check out.
4. RIAA you would pay a statutory license also, if you are clearing
Internet performance rights.
"The alternative to this is to separated yourself from the entire
system. Creative Commons -licensed music explicitly waives the
author's right to the royalties." Also just type in podsafe
music in, to get started on your own podcast."
Okay. We have scratched just the surface of podcasting with
reference to music, let us move on to podcasting with interviews,
two words come to mind slander and libel. Just because your
making a podcast doesn't mean you are you can throw caution
to the wind and say anything about anyone and use the First
Amendment as a cloak of invisibility, for the freedom of speech
and freedom of the press. You have greater responsibilities
now that you are a media mogul. As my grandmother would say
time and time again "Don't do or say anything, that you would
not want, on the front page of a newspaper." Yes this will limit
you but it also may save you embarrassment or legal fees in
the long run. Podcasting the law is being debated as we speak,
the Internet is the lawyer's new playground so much territory
so few rules. All this will change, as the law catches up with
the Internet. Can we say more rules, regulations and taxes in
the future as we evolve to the next generation of podcasters?
03/11/2007 YouTube Dark in Turkey
YouTube is facing a new challenge: the Istanbul First
Criminal Peace Court in Turkey. Access to the video-sharing
site has been banned in Turkey after prosecutors told the court
that videos deemed insulting to former Turkish leader Mustafa
Kemal Ataturk had appeared on the site, the BBC reported |
03/10/2007 Video Podcasts Come to Real Estate
Living, the country's 4th-largest real estate brokerage,
has partnered with MLPodcast to provide their agent network
with listing and community video podcasts. Using existing still
photos, listing data and marketing copy, MLPodcast produces
high quality music videos with professional voice narrations.
03/09/2007 iTunes Updated
On Monday March 5, Apple released version 7.1 of its iTunes
music program, a 28 megabyte download which adds the new Cover
Flow feature and additional sorting options as well as support
for Apple's upcoming Apple TV.
iTunes is also now Vista compatible. |
03/06/2007 More Tips for Podcasters
Consider following these simple podcasting tips to get the
most from your podcast and make it stand out from other podcasts
in the crowd.
1. Make it Professional
Regardless of whether you are podcasting from your garage or
a corporate boardroom there is no reason that your podcast cannot
have a professional sound and feel. Use software to edit the
audio file and filter background noise. Listeners will not tolerate
poor audio quality. With the wide range of relatively inexpensive
software and hardware available there is no reason you can not
provide good quality audio podcast.
More Tips for Podcasters |
03/05/2007 Podcast Hosting Comparison
When we started researching places for podcasters to
store their media files and RSS feeds, we didn't expect to find
so many different hosting services (especially free ones). There
are tons of hosts for podcasters (and tons more that aren't...
Remember, you don't need to use a podcast specific hosting service.
You can publish your podcast anywhere you can upload files.)
Podcast Hosting Comparison
03/05/2007 Podcasting Acquisition
Speech recognition technology developer Wizzard Software
Corp. has announced plans to acquire podcasting pioneer Liberated
Syndication (Libsyn), resulting in what they call the world’s
largest podcasting distribution network. |
03/01/2007 How to Produce Your Own Podcast
InstaBLOKE has posted a guide How to Produce Your Own Podcast, it is part
of a podcasting 101 series. He walks users through the process
of podcast creation. |
02/28/2007 Podcast Recording Software
Before you begin podcasting develop a plan and a format
for your show. Determine the focus of your podcast and what
types of guests you would like to interview. Time spent planning
your show will contribute to it's success.
Location, Location, Location
When you are producing a podcast on a regular basis it is important
that you select an appropriate location for the recording to
take place. The location should be free of external distractions
and relatively quiet. It is easiest if you use the same location
each time, that way the equipment can remain in place and will
not require moving or setup each time you produce a show.
Podcast Recording Tips |
02/27/2007 New Yorker Video Podcast
Animated versions of The New Yorkers famous cartoons are
now available on iTunes. A venture called RingTales has apparently been given an exclusive
license to animate and distribute The New Yorker's library of
over 70,000 cartoons. Each week, three new video animations
will be added to the feed. |
02/27/2007 Apple and Cisco Kiss and Make Up
Last wednesday Apple and Cisco resolved their long-running
dispute over the iPhone name.
The companies released an announcement saying they had reached
an agreement allowing both to use the hotly contested trademark.
The agreement will permit both Apple and Cisco to use the iPhone
trademark worldwide. |
02/27/2007 Online Business Interviews
This is classified as an ecommerce podcasts but the interviews all
appear to be with CEOs of some of the top online stores, from
Peapod to Craigs List. Really a great collection of notable
interviews. |
02/27/2007 Foreign Language Podcasts and Feeds
Good summary of language feeds that teach Russian, Portuguese,
Spanish, Hindi and Chinese. Additional foreign language feeds
and podcasts can be found in the Educational Feed and Podcast directory. |
02/26/2007 Prime Minister of England Podcasts
Number 10 Downing Street has entered the 21st Century. Tony
Blair has been podcasting interviews with a number of high-profile
personalities. |
02/26/2007 PC Magazine Believes the Podcast Hype
Great podcasting article by PC Magazine:
All of the hype surrounding new communication technologies
like podcasting may make you wonder why you bother paying attention.
But like blogging, which I wrote about in the previous issue,
podcasting is a relatively easy way to increase consumer awareness
and create an open dialogue between your customer and your brand,
ultimately creating loyalty.
Customers can also subscribe to your podcast, so that each
time you produce a new show, they will automatically receive
it. Much as a webinar can do (but without needing to be live),
podcasts can reach your target market with regularly scheduled
relevant messages and information about an issue, your industry,
and your business.
complete article |
02/20/2007 Locate Niche Podcasts
These directories will help you find niche focused podcasts,
see the original article!
Financial Podcasts
Security Podcasts
Medical Podcasts
Real Estate
Realty Podcasts
ML Podcasts
Religious Podcasts
Church Podcasts
Automotive Podcasts
Sports Feeds
and Podcasts
Sports podcasts
Educational Podcast
Educational Podcasts
Political Feeds
Political Podcasts
Government Feeds
Government Podcasts
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create, edit, and publish podcast feeds. |

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