A Podcasting Blog from
Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for
Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast
news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added
on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product
announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and
much, much more.
08/31/2005 Apple plans surprise: vPod? iTunes phone?
Apple Computer plans a major announcement next week in San
Francisco, sparking speculation that the company that revolutionized
digital music will unveil a video-playing iPod or an iTunes
mobile phone.
The Cupertino company e-mailed an invitation to reporters Monday,
alerting them to a ``special event'' Sept. 7 at Moscone Center.
The invitation featured a close-up image of the watch pocket
on a pair of jeans, and text that hinted at something big --
or more precisely, something compact. |
08/30/2005 Podcasting Tutorial - Step By Step How to on Podcasting
Step by Step ... How to Podcast Using FeedForAll
Podcasting is simply an RSS feed that contains an MP3 or audio
file in the enclosure tag.
The following is a step by step tutorial that explains how to
setup your podcast.

Start a new RSS feed
1. Enter a title for the new feed/podcast
2. Enter a collective description of all the audio files contained
in the podcast.
3. Enter the URL of the website or webpage you want associated
with the podcast.
Read the 12 step Podcasting Tutorial
08/30/2005 Another Apple Announcement?
Apple Computer plans a major announcement next week in San
Francisco, sparking speculation that the company that revolutionized
digital music will unveil a video-playing iPod or an iTunes
mobile phone.
The Cupertino company e-mailed an invitation to reporters Monday,
alerting them to a ``special event'' Sept. 7 at Moscone Center.
The invitation featured a close-up image of the watch pocket
on a pair of jeans, and text that hinted at something big --
or more precisely, something compact.
08/29/2005 Software Will Play Podcasts On Cell Phones
Mobile software vendor Melodeo said Friday it is developing
software that will locate and download podcasts to cell phones.
The company said its Mobilcast software can be added to cell
phones, although it did not say which phones would be supported.
"The mobile phone is the perfect tool for finding and listening
to Podcasts," Don Davidge, the company's senior vice president
of sales, said in a statement.
08/26/2005 Voiceover Podcasts
Using the InteractiveVoices proprietary voice-over job
posting software, podcasters will be able to find, audition,
and hire voice-over talent within a matter of minutes. This
valuable podcasting tool organizes responses online with demos
and quotes from a variety of qualified talent while sorting
and promptly identifying talents that are most suited to their
needs and that vocally match the overall vision of the podcast.
08/26/2005 Unicef is Podcasting
The UNICEF Podcast is a new global radio service
focusing on the health, education, equality and protection of
08/24/2005 Motorola gets FCC approval for iTunes phone
Motorola is one step closer to launching its long-awaited
iTunes phone.
According to documents posted to the Federal Communications
Commission's Web site on Saturday, Motorola has received regulatory
approval to start selling a cell phone that runs a mobile version
of Apple Computer's iTunes software.
Complete Article
08/24/2005 Apple to face more competition for its iPod in
the coming days
Market experts believe that Apple has enough of the domination
for its iPod range of music players and the iTunes digital music
stores. The products expected to be out in the coming months
would be capable enough to give a tough fight to the current
leaders in the digital music player and webstore segment. However,
Apple would be quite aware of the fact and is expected to take
enough actions to please their fan base.
Apple has been quite innovative with their approach in this
market. Their products are sexy and quite innovative. They complement
the online service from the same company so well, that people
tend to buy the hardware product to be able to avail the facility
to purchase songs from Apple iTunes.
Complete Article
08/22/2005 Union Broadcasters Fight Back with a Podcast
Podcasts are helping locked-out Canadian broadcasters route
around the broadcast towers. Five days after being locked out
of their broadcasting jobs, the broadcasters are creating shows
again, with podcasts and a new website CBCUnplugged. On August 15th, the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation locked out 5,300 employees represented
by the Canadian Media Guild, as a result of a standoff in an
ongoing labor dispute.
08/22/2005 New Tools Available for Podcasting
FeedForAll Mac - FeedForAll Mac launches, making
it easy for anyone to create podcasts, RSS feeds for iTunes.
FeedForAll Mac, a software tool designed to create, edit and
publish RSS feeds and podcasts, has been released by NotePage,
Inc. Now, with FeedForAll Mac, webmasters have the ability to
create new RSS feeds and podcasts from scratch. Publishers can
also modify and enhance existing RSS feeds and podcasts.
rss2html.php v2.0 - Turn RSS feeds into a search
engine friendly web page using rss2html.php. a free PHP script
from the makers of FeedForAll. NotePage has just released a
new rss2html.php script that allows webmasters to display RSS
feeds on their websites.
08/22/2005 Podcasts and RSS Staying Up to Date
Latest Articles Related to RSS -
RSS' Copyright Debate - RSS is commonly
defined as really simple syndication. So, this means that any
material contained in a feed is available for syndication, right?.
Do Marketers Really Need RSS? - The recent
Forrester Research study, which claims that only 2% of online
households in North America use RSS, took the internet marketing
world by storm. Does this data really mean that marketers can
still afford to ignore this channel?
The Future of RSS is Not Blogs - Blogs vaulted
RSS into the limelight but are unlikely to be the force that
sustains RSS as a communication medium. The biggest opportunities
for RSS are not in the blogosphere but as a corporate communication
RSS vs Email - Although RSS and blogs are
slowly reaching mainstream, they are still missuderstood by
most marketers in relation to eachother and in relation to their
relatives, e-zines and e-mail. How do these four really relate
and what does this mean for your internet marketing strategy? |
08/22/2005 Software Will Play Podcasts On Cell Phones
Mobile software vendor Melodeo said Friday it is developing
software that will locate and download podcasts to cell phones.
The company said its Mobilcast software can be added to cell
phones, although it did not say which phones would be supported.
"The mobile phone is the perfect tool for finding and listening
to Podcasts," Don Davidge, the company's senior vice president
of sales, said in a statement.
According to a demonstration on the company's Web site, the
software will connect to a server and look for updated podcasts.
The software will display all available podcasts and the user
can select the one he or she wants. The company's Web site said
the Mobilcast software will be available in September.
Complete Article
08/18/2005 Turn Down the Volume
According to researchers at Sydney's National Acoustic Laboratories,
one out of four iPod users is damaging their ears by blasting
audio at unsafe levels.
The researchers found that about 25% of those surveyed listened
to their players at volumes similar to small power tools. The
team predicts increased levels of tinnitus as a result. |
08/18/2005 Air Force Podcast
For the first time, the Air Force is using the Internet
and digital technology to podcast its radio news.
“We’re excited that Airmen, civilians and their families can
now hear our daily updates whenever and wherever they want,”
said Tech. Sgt. Ryan Hoke, of the Air Force Broadcasting Service.
"The Air Force News team works hard to make sure the information
in 'Around the Air Force' is useful to our audience. Now it’s
much easier to get to as well.”
Complete Article
08/15/2005 Presidential Podcast
The President of the United States' radio show is now available
via podcast. From its roots almost exactly one year ago. Podcasting
has certainly become mainstream, occurring on a much more frequent
In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "The terrorists
cannot defeat us on the battlefield. The only way they can win
is if we lose our nerve. That will not happen on my watch.
Presidential Podcast
08/08/2005 From The Street - Apple and Google Shake Hands?
According to market chatter, Apple is set to announce
a deal with Google calling for Google to offer Apple's iTunes
music store through its own site. The rumored deal would pair
the nation's leading online music store with its leading search
There's "speculation of an iTunes launch," says Paul Foster,
an options strategist at Theflyonthewall.com. "Google is going
to offer iTunes somehow on their platform," according to the
rumor, he says.
Complete Article
08/15/2005 Podcasting 101
Everywhere you turn online these days you hear the word
"podcast" or "podcasting." No, it's not some broadcasting method
used by Martians, even though it might sound like it. A Podcast
is just an audio file that is syndicated via an RSS feed, that
you download and listen to with your computer or a portable
device such as an iPod.
What makes it different from an ordinary RSS feed is the audio
component included in the "enclosure field." Think of it as
a feed that talks to you.
Podcasting 101
08/12/2005 10 Tips for Improving Your Podcast
In this article, I'm going to do a little condensation
of the content in the book and give you ten ways to improve
your podcasts. There is no priority to their listing, though
the first five tips cover some of the basics: getting a good
microphone, proper microphone technique, show preparation, reducing
noise, and formats; the latter five are more concerned with
the content of your show. All are practical methods for improving
both the sound and the content of your show.
Top 10 Tips for Podcasting
08/12/2005 Venture Capital in Podcasting
Investors give the green light to podcasting meeting and
sees green in its future.
High-profile investors pump money into two startups that
helped pioneer the grassroots broadcasting medium.
Two podcasting startups have won venture capital funding,
a sign that both the promise and the hype is building for a
grassroots broadcasting phenomenon that started just about a
year ago.
Podshow, led by former MTV host Adam Curry, who helped invent
podcasting in July 2004, received $8.85 million in funding from
Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital, Private Equity Week reported
Wednesday. In another sign of podcasting’s growing stature,
eminent Kleiner VCs John Doerr and Ray Lane are joining the
company’s board, the publication said.
Miami-based Podshow is a project of Mr. Curry and Ron Bloom’s
Boku Communications.
The second company to announce funding Wednesday was San
Francisco-based Odeo, led by repeat entrepreneur Evan Williams,
who created the Blogger service which is now owned by Google.
Charles River Ventures led the round; the sum was not disclosed.
The round also included Amicus Ventures, and individuals including
Mitch Kapor, Joe Kraus, Tim O’Reilly, Ron Conway, and HotorNot’s
James Hong.
Complete Investment Article
08/11/2005 Podcasting Makes it into the Oxford English Dictionary
Podcast has made it into the Oxford English dictionary today.
Podcasts and podcasting has exploded of late and is proving
popular with the iPod generation the dictionary addition is
simply an acknowledgement of the success of podcasting.
08/10/2005 CBS Looking for Podcasters
CBS has announced a Podcasting Call. The network is searching
for an "amateur DJ" to interview CBS stars and create a podcast
about the upcoming fall season.
The podcaster will join top DJs at the CBS Radio Junket on September
10 in Hollywood to interview CBS talent for the podcast, which
will be made available to listeners via CBS.com and Infinity
Broadcasting’s San Francisco-based KYOURADIO, the world’s first-ever
podcasting radio station.
For consideration, podcasters need to upload a mock three-minute
interview. Details are provided at the CBS.com
08/10/2005 One Small step for Podcasting
Technology experts who predicted that podcasting would "take
off" have been proven right, literally, with a Discovery shuttle
astronaut transmitting a message from space.
While preparing to return to Earth, Mission Specialist Steve
Robinson recorded the 3½ minute clip - the first podcast from
orbit, according to NASA. |
08/10/2005 Apple Computer has announced it will refund the
Piracy Tax the Canadian government put on every iPod sold in
the country.
Although the Canadian Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge
to a lower-court ruling that the tax--a levy put on all recordable
blank media, such as tapes and CDs, to compensate the music
industry for piracy--was unlawful, the levy had affected new
iPod buyers for more than a year.
Apple said it will be refunding the levy, which was first introduced
in 2003, to its Canadian customers shortly.
The company said in a statement: "Apple is pleased that the
Supreme Court of Canada let stand a lower court ruling that
blank media levies on iPods are invalid and will shortly announce
a claims process so customers can request a refund for the levies
they paid." |
08/09/2005 IBM Podcasts to Customers
Progress reports, product updates and other information
will be posted in podcast format.
Big Blue is getting hip. Just a few months after adopting a
corporate blogging policy, IBM is latching onto another hot
tech trend, podcasting.
Last Friday the company posted the first podcast in a new series
aimed at sharing its researchers' views about the evolution
of technology in various fields. |
08/09/2005 Podcast Connect Award Winners
The 2005 People's Choice Podcast Award Winners are as follows:
Peoples Choice: This Week In Tech
Best Produced: Daily Source Code
Business: Media Artist Secrets Podcast
Comedy: Distorted View Daily
Cultural / Political: Free Talk Live
Education: Tips from the top floor
Food and Drink: Good Beer Show
General: illinoise!
Gaming: Orange Lounge Radio - To Go
Health / Fitness: MARINA's Walking & Aerobics Podcast
Mature: Dawn And Drew Show
Movies / Films: TheForce.net
Music / Radio: Coverville
Non English: Annik Rubens: Schlaflos in Munchen
Religion / Inspiration: Catholic Insider
Sound Seeing: The Richard Vobes Radio Show
Sports: 1954 and Counting
Technology: This Week In Tech
Top Rated: Slice of SciFi
World News: Kathleen Keating
Podcast Connect received over 100,000 nominations which resulted
in a slate of 482 nominated podcasts.
08/08/2005 Financial Content
FinancialContent, Inc. has announced that the Company is
seeking beta-testers for StreetIQ.com.
StreetIQ.com will offer financial podcasts that draw from many
of the Internet's top sources for business news, market commentary,
investment opinions and public company conference calls.
The concept looks similar to that at Financial Investment Feeds, a directory of
finance and investing RSS feeds.
08/08/2005 PodcastAwards.com has announced the winners of
the 2005 People's Choice Podcast Awards.
Congratulation Winners!
What an amazing contest. All of the detailed statistics to be
announced at PodcastConnect.com. Expect prizes to to be distributed
within 30 days with special awards to be given at Podcast Expo.
Winners and Nominees send e-mail to podcastawards@gmail.com
with the subject Winner/Nominated (Category) include name address
and telephone number.
08/08/2005 Display Your Podcast Feed on a Website
Turn your Podcast feeds into a search engine friendly html
web page using RSS2HTML.php.
The new rss2html.php script helps webmasters syndicate content
contained in podcast feeds. Using rss2html.php webmasters can
customize the format and look of the web page created from the
RSS feed. The Podcast's contents can easily be integrated into
an existing website's theme. The rss2html.php script parses
the Podcast's RSS file, extracts the pertinent information,
formats it, and serves it up as regular HTML.
The new version of rss2html.php has new options to allow it
to run on secure web servers. It can be run on any webserver
that can run PHP scripts, and it support feeds in the RSS 2.0,
1.0, .93, .92, .91, and .90 format. The new version optionally
uses curl rather than fopen, to address any security concerns
that webmasters might have.
08/08/2005 Yahoo Rolls Out Digital Music Search Engine
First it was photos, then video, now music.
Yahoo is the first major portal to introduce a search engine
dedicated to finding music and other audio files on the Internet.
The Aug. 3 launch is the latest effort by Yahoo and other Internet
search portals to organize the growing number of multimedia
files on the Web.
One of the key features of the new search tool is its ability
to scan the music libraries of almost all legitimate online
services selling digital tracks. |
08/04/2005 Apple Opens ITunes Music Store in Japan
Apple Computer Inc. launched its music download service,
the iTunes Music Store, in Japan on Thursday with 1 million
songs, the maker of the hit iPod portable player said.
Apple's announcement for the online music store was made in
a nation that's home turf for Sony Corp. and other Japanese
electronics makers.
08/04/2005 Yahoo Audio Search
Yahoo has launched a new audio search that searches
podcasts! The Audio Beta claims to "Find any audio
file on the Web."
08/02/2005 iPods and Nightclubs are In
And now the iPod craze has hit nightclubs.
At the bosco's noWax Wednesdays, launched in June, guest
DJs who've brought their MP3 players take a number. When it's
their turn, they plug their player in and the whole club hears
three of their songs.
The fun is in laughing at a bad song, marveling at a great,
forgotten hit, or peeking over a person's shoulder to spy on
their playlist.
Complete Article
08/02/2005 Podcast Hints from MarketingSherpa
Podcasting, RSS feeds, blogs... David Lawrence, host
of Online Tonight with David Lawrence, has experimented with
them all to extend the reach of his radio show which has 4 million
regular listeners.
Lawrence was one of the first broadcasters to put daily audio
newscasts online, which he delivered via email.
"I knew that the attachment limit on most ISP's was one megabyte,
so I figured out how long I could talk, and it was 10 minutes
and 40-some seconds, so every morning, people would get GeekSpeak
and Tech News in their in-boxes."
Incidentally, that's about the same amount of time you get
a listener's attention on a podcast, he says.
Lawrence shared his thoughts on some of the new advertising
models: how to advertise within them and how to use them successfully
without branding yourself clueless.
08/02/2005 Apple Reorders Popular iTunes
Playlist reports that Apple changed the way it lists its
most popular podcasts in the iTunes Music Store over the weekend,
using the term “Today’s Top Podcasts” in place of “Top Podcasts.”
The move came shortly after Adam Curry noted that the “Top Podcasts”
list was time-based, rather than an aggregate figure. |
08/01/2005 Did Google Make a Mistake?
Is it possible that Google, Silicon Valley's golden tech
company of the (Internet) moment, actually made a mistake?
Silver Lake partner and famed Silicon Valley VC Roger McNamee
thinks so: ``How did Google miss podcasting?'' McNamee demanded
last week during a gathering at an event, ``Legends in Internet
& New Media,'' sponsored by The Indus Entrepreneurs, or
Shortly after launching a directory of thousands of free
podcasts on its iTunes online music store, Apple reported more
than 1 million podcast subscriptions, he noted to the networking
``In one day, they won,'' McNamee said of Apple. ``Google
whiffed on it.''
AOL GETS HIP TO RSS: It's slightly ironic that America Online
is just now introducing an RSS feed aggregator service, since
it was Netscape that led development of RSS waaaay back in the
day, and AOL owns Netscape.
Nevertheless AOL has finally hopped on the RSS bandwagon,
now that it's pushing its services out from behind its fabled
walled garden. The service is called My AOL, and it's not unlike
My Yahoo, in concept. It's a page that users can customize with
content from really simple syndication feeds.
august archive
july archive
june archive
may archive
april archive
create, edit, and publish podcast feeds. |

Podcasting Ornaments!