A Podcasting Blog from
Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for
Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast
news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added
on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product
announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and
much, much more.
01/30/2008 Religious Podcasts
Easily find religious podcasts and online sermons in the
Religious Podcast Directory. |
01/29/2008 China and Music Piracy
China vowed on Sunday to improve the grave situation
of music piracy in the country, as it hosted the annual music
industry event here to learn and exchange ideas with companies
from around the world. |
01/28/2008 QTrax
A revamped online file-sharing service aims to woo legions
of music fans by offering unlimited, free song downloads that
are compatible with iPods, and all with the blessing of major
recording companies.
Qtrax, which makes its debut Sunday, is the
latest online music venture counting on the lure of free music
to draw in music fans and on advertising to pay the bills, namely
record company licensing fees. |
01/24/2008 Software Deals and Discounts
With economic concerns looming, businesses and individuals
alike are tightening there spending. Deal a day sites are becoming
increasingly popular ways to find great deals. The latest kid
on the block specializes in Software. Software Deal
of the Day offers one software application for sale every
day at a significantly discounted price.
Software Deal of the Day is a new site that offers software
applications at a significantly reduced price for only twenty-four
hours. Each day a new software deal is available. Software-DOD.com
features popular software titles. The software discounts range
from 10-90% off of list prices, and the software is only available
at that price for twenty-four hours! Software-DOD.com also contains
second chance offers. The second chance offers are still discounted
and designed for those that miss the deal of the day offer,
but the second chance offer is not as deeply discounted as the
deal of the day offer.
Many of the software applications on the Software-DOD.com website
even have trial versions available, which allows website visitors
to try the software prior to making a purchase decision.
Interested visitors can preview the applications that will be
available on the Software-DOD website for the coming week. Additionally,
deals are easy to monitor because RSS feeds are available that
contain the daily specials, the second chance offers, and a
preview of applications that will be featured on the Software-DOD.com
Other webmasters and publishers can also syndicate the Software
Deal of the Day offers, and integrate the discount offers into
their own websites. Software-DOD.com provides the tools to make
the integration process painless for webmasters. The offers
will dynamically update each night as the new offers become
available. Providing such great software deals are sure to endear
webmasters to their website visitors.
Software developers interested in this new distribution channel
are encouraged to submit their software applications for consideration.
With economic concerns looming individuals and businesses alike
are tightening their spending. Software Deal of the Day is a
win for every everyone. Additional details available at http://www.software-dod.com
01/21/2008 Feed Editor Software
Want to create professional RSS feeds without the complication
of RSS technology? Then Feed Editor is the perfect solution for you!
By using this software, it is not necessary to be a computer
science guru with in-depth knowledge of internet technologies.
Instead, RSS Editor
makes work with RSS feeds incredibly simple. Just input the
relevant RSS feed and the rest of the work is finished by Feed Editor.
An easy-to-use and convenient interface makes for fast and effortless
processing of RSS feeds. Wizard-driven user guidance prevents
mistakes during RSS feed creation. This all results in easy
and problem free operation, with all intricate work performed
by Feed Editor.
Additionally, unlike similar programs the FeedForAll Feed
Editor supports all enclosure fields and is designed for
podcasters. With a built-in wizard for iTunes tags!!! |
01/18/2008 iPod Touch Upgrade
Apple announced a major software upgrade for the iPod touch,
making the best iPod into even more -- the world's best Wi-Fi
mobile device. iPod touch customers already have the most advanced
mobile web browser in the world with Safari, and now Apple is
adding five more great mobile applications -- Mail, Maps, Stocks,
Weather and Notes. |
01/17/2008 10 VideoPodcasting Tips
There is nothing worse than watching an embarrassingly
amateur video that has otherwise good content. The sad truth
is is no matter how great the content might be, if it looks
or sounds bad nobody will watch it.
10 VideoPodcasting Tips |
01/16/2008 Jobs in Pods
Jobs In Pods
is an audio job board. Unlike the traditional job boards you
are used to visiting, Jobs in Pods is a place to actually hear
from the employers themselves through audio interviews with
their HR managers/employees.
01/17/2008 Amazon and Sony Deal
Online retailer Amazon.com Inc said on Thursday its digital
music store will now offer songs from Sony BMG Music Entertainment
without copy-protection technology, or digital rights management.
Amazon said the deal makes it the first retailer to offer customers
DRM-free songs from all four major music companies in the MP3
format. |
01/16/2008 Technologies Influence on Politics
Can, and will, the next generation of politicians exploit
the communication mediums available to them? Will the new communication
mediums have the power to influence public opinion? Will politicians
be the victims of technology, or will they use it to their benefit?
Will one party benefit from the use of the technology more than
another? All reasonable questions, considering the role technology
plays in todays society.
The staggering distribution numbers, through channels like iTunes,
YouTube, or podcasting websites, indicate that technology could
play a critical role in the upcoming elections. Technology could
be the deciding factor in the 2008 US Presidential race, and
while distribution has never before been as accessible as it
is to today's politicians and political candidates, politicians
have far less control over the news and media than their counterparts
in previous years.
Technologies Influence on Politics |
01/15/2008 Colleges Using Web 2.0
Forget the glossy brochures: Universities are going Web
2.0 -- podcasting, blogging and streaming video -- to recruit
todays wired high schoolers.
It is not about staying ahead of the students, it is about
keeping up with them, but without seeming desperate to be hip,
David Hawkins, director of public policy and research for the
National Association for College Admission Counseling, told
The Boston Globe.
A University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth study in the fall showed
that colleges are moving faster than Fortune 500 companies in
adopting Internet technologies such as social networks and message
boards, the paper said.
01/14/2008 Building a Better Podcast
Everything you wanted to know—plus a few things you had
not even thought to ask—on how to best bring the technology
into K-12 curriculum. Building a Better Podcast |
01/07/2008 Podcasting Guide
Podcasting is arguably one of the most important developments
in the way that audio and visual media is consumed for a very
long time and present a new type of online media delivery.
Podcasting Guide |
01/03/2008 A Recap of 2007
The lens through which viewers receive their news has changed.
The images of struggle are no longer frozen in time; technology
has helped preserve and personalize these conflicts by producing
moving tributes to the conflicts of humankind.
The strife and internal conflicts that marred the globe in 2006
continued into 2007: Mynamar (Burma), Palestine and Lebanon
all continue to struggle with internal conflicts in their borders.
The differences between 2006 and 2007 are not obvious; however,
under close examination, it is evident that several external
struggles have been transformed into internal conflicts. In
2006, many countries attempted to influence their neighbors.
This was evident with Iran attempting to influence the turmoil
in Iraq, and Syria attempting to control Lebanon. Both struggles
have evolved into internal personal conflicts in 2007.
2007 A Year in Review |
01/02/2008 Political Podcasts
2008 is a big election year! Follow the elections with political
podcasts and political videocasts! |
01/01/2008 Technology Predictions for 2008
Top 10 Winners Predicted for 2008
1. Video
2. Healthy
3. Long Tail
4. Buy USA
5. Rich Internet / Interactive Web / Semantic Web / Web Services
6. Aggregate and Attention Data
7. Power of the People
8. Going Green
9. Biometrics and Big Brother
10. Prosthetics / Bionic
Top 10 Losers Predicted for 2008
1. Lead
2. Squat Toilets
3. DRM
4. China
5. Skinny is Out
6. Blockbuster / Netflix
7. Orbo
8. MySpace fell to Facebook
9. Privacy
10. Piracy
Technology Predictions for 2008 |
12/27/2007 Apple and Fox to Offer Movie Rentals
Apple Inc and News Corps Twentieth Century Fox are set to
announce a deal that will allow consumers to rent movies through
Apples digital iTunes Store, media reports said on Thursday.
The agreement will allow rentals of Foxs latest DVD releases
by downloading a copy from the online iTunes store for a limited
time, the Financial Times said, quoting a source. The Wall Street
Journal also reported the deal in its online edition. |
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