A Podcasting Blog from
Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for
Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast
news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added
on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product
announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and
much, much more.
07/31/2005 Podcasting helps Times 'tell stories in new ways'
When Seth Gitner and Tad Dickens of The Roanoke Times
sat down in March to talk with a local musician for their first
podcast on Roanoke.com, fewer than 10 newspapers around the
country had ventured into the emerging venue.
Now, there are about 15, according to lists on cyberjournalist.net,
a site that focuses on ways the Internet and converging technologies
are changing the media. Podcasts don't generate profits - yet
- but those newspapers intend to be poised when they do.
"Every day, more and more people turn to the Internet to get
news and information, and The Roanoke Times plans to continue
to meet those new demands," said Editor Mike Riley.
Gitner, the newspaper's multimedia editor, said that first podcast
turned out better than expected. The show's guest, Roanoke musician
Cyrus Pace, played a few guitar licks in the makeshift studio
that had been set up in the newsroom and "it turned out great."
That first interview was set up to be an experiment aimed at
eventually promoting the newspaper's weekly tabloid Inside Out,
aimed at younger audiences. But the show turned out good enough
to be posted online at Roanoke.com. |
07/29/2005 FOX Introduces "FOXCASTS" on July 28
To enrich the television experience for fans and offer on-demand
audio programming, Fox Broadcasting Company is now providing
podcasts of episode recaps for all its series. These "FOXCASTS"
enable viewers to download audio recaps of their favorite shows
to their MP3 player or listen to them on their computer anywhere,
Beginning today, a centralized web page containing every FOXCAST
will be accessible from FOX.com as well as each show's individual
website. Additionally, FOX will offer RSS feed subscription
options, which means that users can have the podcasts automatically
downloaded to the player of their choice each time a new one
becomes available. "It's important to take advantage of every
avenue available and talk directly to our audience," said Carolyn
Gray, Vice President of New Media at FOX. "Podcasts are an emerging
and important platform, and we want to be at the forefront of
their application to our young and first adopter viewers."
FOX will also take the innovative technology one step further
and offer DVD-style content on select shows. This will give
fans access to exclusive cast interviews, special event coverage
and custom audio programs. The debut of this content will coincide
with the premiere of PRISON BREAK Monday, Aug. 29 (8:00-10:00
PM ET/PT). Additionally, recaps of entire seasons of select
shows such as 24 and ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, premiering Monday,
Sept. 19 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT), will be built into podcast packages
that can be downloaded prior to season premieres.
07/28/2005 Free File Hosting for Podcasters
Switchpod is providing a free solution for
hosting your podcasts.bscriber receives a personal folder on
the SwitchPod servers to store content. Podcasts can be in various
audio formats the bandwith will be unmetered.
How are they making money? They put small advertisements* along
with your podcast that your listeners will recieve. If you don't
want ads, upgrade today for only $6 in your control panel.
07/26/2005 RSS and Podcasting Recognized As Best Internet
Communication Tool
a tool designed to create podcasts and RSS feeds was nominated
with big names Skype and Trillian for the best Internet Communication
Tool for 2005. And FeedForAll took home the prize! The
recognition and momentum behind RSS and podcasting pushed FeedForAll
into the forefront with the most votes. FeedForAll emerged
as the overall winner collecting the largest number of votes
in the Internet Communication category.
Additional Details - FeedForAll Walks Away a Winner
07/26/2005 Podcasting Staying at ABC
The head of the ABC's podcasting trial says the service
is here to stay. The public broadcaster's trial, which commenced
in May and offers 16 ABC radio programs for download, has been
a spectacular success, says Radio National Program Director
and podcasting guru Gordon Taylor. He's ready to declare the
trial over.
"We quickly realised it's the future. It's a permanent service
now," Taylor told CNET Australia. "It was just such a success
we didn't need to keep trialling it. We've come to realise that
a large part of the future of the radio lies in podcasting."
Complete Article
07/26/2005 Paid Podcasts aka Infomercials follow on the Heals
of Paid Blogs
As a blogger, is it ethical to take money to endorse a company?
Even with total transparency, is something unique to blogging
lost when you do? On July 27, Janet Johnson, Vice President
of Communications at Marqui, will speak at a conference at Simon
Fraser University on the marketing idea that eight months ago
snagged the attention of both the blogging and business worlds.
In December, 2004, Marqui partnered with experienced blogger
Mark Canter to launch the “paid-blogger program.” Bloggers wrote
about the company twice a month using information and links
to Marqui, and bloggers added Marqui’s linked emblem to their
home page. In exchange, the blogger received US $800 a month
for the three-month period.
Marqui supplied bloggers with content that includes weekly stories
about the company and its clients, which bloggers were then
free to ignore.
Complete Article
07/26/2005 Podcasting meets politics. Lawmakers, now playing
on your iPod
It's like C-SPAN for your iPod.
A growing number of lawmakers are offering their speeches, news
conferences and radio addresses to the millions of Americans
who own digital audio players such as Apple's iPod.
House Democrats have now joined the "podcast" bandwagon, releasing
half a dozen audio files on both their Web site, HouseDemocrats.gov,
and at Apple's popular iTunes online music store. There is a
free, downloadable file of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,
Calif., blasting the GOP's energy bill.
In another, Rep. Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey, complains
that the Bush administration is shortchanging security programs
for public transit.
Complete Article
07/26/2005 Podcasting Changing the Face of Politics
First, it was blogs. Then, it was Meetup.com. Now, the newest
technology to combine the Internet and politics is slowly starting
to creep into the mainstream: podcasting.
"I'm pretty sure whether it's 2006 or 2008, we're going to be
hearing as much about podcasting and video blogging as we heard
about blogs helping (former New Hampshire Gov. Howard) Dean
in 2003," Joe Trippi, former presidential candidate Howard Dean's
campaign manager, told United Press International.
Complete Article
07/25/2005 Is Apple Alienating Independent Music Podcasters?
Even though most podcasts only take 48 hours to appear,
many music podcasters are finding themselves left out in the
cold.Despite the widespread proliferation of podcasts through
Apple"s new iTunes version 4.9, it appears music podcasters
that legally distribute independent music are being left behind
and effectively locked out of the iTunes podcast directory,
which is fast becoming the primary vehicle to find podcasts.
The Association of Music Podcasting (AMP) represents the largest
podcasting content group in the world, with forty three members.
As of this release, three weeks after the delivery of the latest
version of iTunes, thirty four AMP podcast feeds remained unlisted
in the iTunes directory. These podcasts were subsequently either
listed in the iPodder.org directory that served as the initial
basis for the iTunes client ,or were submitted within twenty-four
hours of the iTunes release.
It appears Apple has placed procedural obstacles for many older,
established podcasts to quickly enter its iTunes directory.
Despite that brand new podcast submissions appear to be taking
a reasonable amount of processing time (approximately 48 hours),
many legacy podcasters have waited weeks without a presence
on iTunes.
Moreover, podcasts taken from the original iPodder.org listing
are barred from resubmission, with no available option to resolve
the issue of podcasts "on hold."
"It"s frustrating," says Chris MacDonald, owner of IndieFeed
Podcasts, founding member and Director of Legal Affairs at AMP.
"We"ve been podcasting since mid September of 2004, when this
thing really got started. I have thousands and thousands of
listeners; yet our fans can"t migrate to iTunes easily. We are
losing loyal listeners who aren"t technically savvy or who choose
not to run two podcast aggregators at a time. It"s silly to
suggest Apple can"t add those feeds to their directory in a
reasonable amount of time. It"s also odd that my non-music feeds,
which were provided to Apple at the same time, migrated to the
iTunes directory in only two days."
"Corporations are looking to take advantage of the roadwork
that the existing podcasting community has created via an unfettered,
open-choice format," says Derrick Oien, President of AMP. Oien
is one of the earliest legal music podcasters, going back to
the fall of 2004. His show is among many not yet listed in the
iTunes directory. Oien adds, "It appears that Apple is more
concerned with molding the community to their immediate commercial
needs than with embracing this open community and adhering to
an effective long term strategy. We have witnessed the early
evolution of podcasting at a break-neck pace; partly because
podcasting"s open format rapidly adapts to fit the needs of
the community at large. Successful corporations will embrace
rather than attempt to control this phenomenon. AMP continues
to rapidly amass a large and dedicated collective audience,
and we are working with people and organizations that approach
podcasting in the spirit in which it was conceived. We look
forward to working with them. At some point we expect that the
support we receive daily from listeners and artists will get
Apple's attention."
07/25/2005 Podcast.com for $ 250,000 !
Podcaster Allan Hunkin is seeking $250,000 USD for the domain
name podcasts.com. Hunkin is selling the domain to concentrate
on his core business, SuccessTALK Channels.
He also hopes to sell another domain, MyPodcasts.com, for $75,000.
07/25/2005 Godcasts' booming across the Internet
Behold the Godcaster, spreading religion and spirituality,
one iPod at a time.
Godcasts, religious and spiritually themed podcasts, have been
fruitful and multiplied, becoming the most popular use of the
new online technology since it debuted less than a year ago.
Searches for "Godcast" and "pod preachers" increased 355 percent
in just one month this spring, according to the Internet search
engine Lycos, on par with searches for the super model Naomi
Campbell and the television show "ER."
For a listing of popular GodCasts check the Spiritual Podcasts on RSS Network
07/25/2005 Apple Plants a Seed to Help Raise Podcasting
The most useful part about iTunes' newfound embrace of
podcasting, however, may not be what it does to simplify tuning
in, but how it presents the breadth of podcasts available. The
most promising part about the podcast business is that, unlike
radio, it has infinite room for anybody; there isn't a fixed
set of channels that can be bought up by the big media conglomerates.
Podcasting may be a mess, but at least it's a mess that everybody
has the same access to.
Complete Article
07/22/2005 BX Radio Network is Looking to for Podcasters
Podcasters unite, BX Internet and Lockergnome's own Matt
Hartley have teamed up to form the BX Radio Network. The BX
Radio Network interested in broadcasting your Podcast to new
Dubbing themselves as the next big thing in Podcasting, the
BX Radio Network is actively seeking Podcasters interested in
bringing their show to a live Internet audience.
Selected Podcasts will be prerecorded and then submitted on
a regular schedule to the BX Radio Network under the 'Cool Cast
Radio' brand. Approved programing will then be streamed live
via the Internet to listeners interested in discovering new
Podcast-based programing.
Unlike other Internet radio brands that simply offer their listeners
canned in-house radio talk radio shows, the BX Radio Network
believes that there is more than enough amazing Podcast content
on the Web for listeners seeking a more engaging, independent
talk radio environment. Working with Podcasters from all over
the world, the BX Radio Network will empower audio content creators
with the ability to offer their work to a brand new audience.
Advantages for all participating Podcasters will include: the
opportunity for joint promotion, networking with other content
providers, and getting their own show exposed to an audience
that they would normally never be able to reach thanks in part
to a typical show's promotional challenges.
Interested Podcasters need to contact the BX Radio Network as
soon as possible. Submission schedules and other details will
be discussed upon the Podcaster's acceptance into the Cool Cast
Radio lineup.
BX Radio Network
103 Francisco de Avando
Socorro, NM 87801
Phone: 505.835.8967
Toll Free: 877.893.2662
07/22/2005 License Fees for Podcasting Music
BUMA/STEMRA, the Dutch collection organization for composers,
lyricists and music publishers, has come up with licensing rates
for podcasting.
The license structure looks much like that for webcasting, of
which the organization thinks podcasting is a comparable form.
Commercial podcasters will have to pay a minimum of 85 euros
(about $103 at the time of writing), and amateurs can get a
license for 35 euros (about $42) per month for an unlimited
number of podcasts.
The rate for amateurs seems rather high, though, coming to 420
euros (about $509) per year. And other collection organizations
might set their own, additional rates.
Details for Licensing
07/21/2005 Pay Per Podcast
E-payment service to allow charge for podcasts
Click&Buy, a Manhattan-based e-payment
service for digital content, will announce on Monday a plan
to launch software allowing podcasters to sell content for a
small fee.
Most podcasts are free to download today, but the company is
betting that media companies or small Web publishers will take
advantage of the revenue opportunity and eventually start charging
consumers for digital content, said Fabian Siegel, Click&Buy’s
07/21/2005 Where's The Profit In Podcasting? The medium is
growing exponetially, but profits are elusive.
Depending on whom you believe, by 2010 as many as 57 million
Americans will be listening to podcasts -- audio files downloaded
onto a PC or portable listening device. Thats almost one of
every five people in the country, and a jump from about 6 million
people today.
Sound like a lot? The media hype surrounding podcasting, which
barely existed 18 months ago, is approaching the dizzying heights
once reserved for home delivery of pet food and other dot-com
pipe dreams, but one thing is certain: Many of the podcasts
available today are free, which begs the question, can anyone
ever make money off them?
Complete Article
07/20/2005 Is Google Developing A Podcast Search?
With the popularity of podcasting continuing to climb, a
few, perhaps smaller search service providers have integrated
the ability to search out the audio files, and it looks like
the big guns are considering it as well.
It certainly looks as if Google is eyeing podcasts as being
the next member of their massive search index. |
07/20/2005 Podcasts demystify for-sale-by-owner market
A for-sale-by-owner real estate site is joining the podcast
party, offering podcasts for the FSBO industry starting this
ByOwner.com, a site where owners can list their homes for sale,
has FSBO-related podcasts available for download. The site soft-launched
today. Podcasts are audio files, usually MP3s, in talk-show
format, that can be downloaded to any portable MP3 player, such
as an iPod, or personal computer.
Complete Article
07/19/2005 PirateWeather.com
PirateWeather.com has added podcasts for every zip code
in the US. The podcasts feature a short forecast "read" by a
text-to-speech program.
You can get your local podcast by using a URL like this: www.pirateweather.com/weather/podcast/YOURZIPCODE
Make sure you replace YOURZIPCODE in the URL with your zip code.
07/19/2005 Podcasters at Mike
Everyone from Disney to Newsweek to National Public Radio
is now offering podcasts, and Apple Computer Inc. last month
made it a whole lot easier to find them and download them to
While profits remain elusive, there's a bigger prize out there
-- the company that manages to become the go-to Web site for
podcasts could gain enough leverage to strike favorable deals
with proven content providers, and generate cash by charging
for subscriptions and advertising.
Complete Article
07/19/2005 Apple Celebrates 500 Million Downloads Through
The iTunes Service
We already knew that Apple has really hit the jackpot with
its iPod and iTunes Music Store, the combination of these two
being one of the most successful products the company has ever
launched. And this success is confirmed once again, because
Apple today announced that music fans have purchased and downloaded
more than half a billion songs from the iTunes Music Store.
07/19/2005 Podcast Awards Voting Open
Nominations are in and voting has begun for the 2005 Annual
podcast awards. Vote now in your favoriate categories for your
favorite podcasts!
Voting ends July 31, 2005 so don't delay! |
07/14/2005 Podcasting: Can This New Medium Make Money?
Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh and his nemesis,
Al Franken, are podcasting. As are ESPN, former MTV video jockey
Adam Curry and thousands of others. Podcasting, a way to broadcast
audio over the Internet, has become the latest web movement
to get everyone's attention.
Complete Article
07/14/2005 Disneyland Podcast
Beginning 15 July, Disneyland Resort will "podcast" three
days of memorable festivities leading to the actual 50th anniversary
of Disneyland on 17 July. This unique Internet-based show is
free and will be accessible to a global audience at: http://www.disneyland.com/podcast.
07/13/2005 Sirius Joining Podcast Craze
Beginning later this month, Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
will launch its first “podcast” talk show.
The “do it yourself” program will become a daily feature on
the network which is countering last week’s Infinity Broadcasting
announcement to convert a San Francisco talk station into an
all-podcast format. |
07/13/2005 WeightCasters
WeightCasters.com, a new podcast site, provides
users with free weight loss, fitness, and motivational tips
that they can download directly onto their iPod or MP3 players.
Users can subscribe to podcast playlists, which are made up
of informative audio tips that can be accessed at any time through
any form of standard media or MP3 player. The Podcasts include
tips from health professionals about weight loss, fitness, nutrition
and healthy cooking.
07/13/2005 Pitching a VC via podcast
Matt Marshall and John Boudreau of the San Jose Mercury
News point out that New York VC Fred Wilson is experimenting
with podcasts as a way of reaching out to fledgling entrepreneurs:
"He's soliciting entrepreneurs to send him their company pitches
on a recorded audio file, which he downloads for later listening
on a bike ride.
Complete Article
07/11/2005 New Podcasting Search
GetAPodcast is a new podcast search engine with instant
inclusion. To submit your podcast enter it here.
07/07/2005 According to BBC - Podcasting Growth Due to Explode
Market researchers and analysts continue to buoy up podcasting's
future with latest figures suggesting a US audience alone of
56 million by 2010.
Complete Article
07/06/2005 PodcastSPOTS Paid Podcast Content
The new PodcastSPOTS model lets a podcaster and musician
share in the revenue from advertising. With PodcastSPOTS’ proprietary
insertion system, ads surround artists’ songs when included
in a podcast. Additionally, the site lets artists and podcasters
work out other deals. For instance, a songwriter can earn money
from commercial-free downloads of their songs and pay the podcaster
that aired their song, all, some, or none of that revenue. Alternately,
a podcaster could pay an artist for the right to play their
song in their podcasts. There’s even a rating system that helps
podcasters and listeners find the most-liked music.
07/05/2005 Text to Speech Podcasting!
We have recently begun playing around with NextUp's TextAloud
software. The software allows you to paste or type in text,
and the text can then be saved as an MP3 or wave file. This
means that you can take existing content and turn it into an
audio podcast in seconds! To demonstrate I've created a small
podcast feed containing a few of the RSS articles in the RSS Article Directory. Eventually all of the
articles will be available via podcast. The created podcast uses a synthesized
voice, but the quality is really quite good.
Check out the new RSS Podcast.
07/05/2005 Teen Killed for iPod
Two teenagers were under arrest Sunday on suspicion of killing
another teen for his iPod portable music player, police said.
The boys were facing charges of murder, robbery and weapons
possession in the death of 15-year-old Christopher Rose, police
Rose and three friends were accosted by a group of young men
Saturday evening in Brooklyn, police said. Members of the group
demanded Rose's iPod and stabbed him twice in the chest when
he resisted. The group fled, taking Rose's iPod and a backpack,
police said.
Complete Story
07/04/2005 Virigin Atlantic Travel NYC Feed
Virgin Atlantic has announced a series of podcast guides
for travellers. The first podcast series is for travellers to
New York.
The podcasts take a look at top restaurants, an insider's guide
to shopping, a guide to the quirky side of the city and the
10 best things to do for the first-time visitor.
Subscribe to the Virgin Atlantic NY Tour Feed
07/04/2005 Podcast Offers On-Demand Audio Forecasts for Kansas
Local meteorologist offers his forecasts in the rapidly
growing medium of podcasting.
One of the few locally-centered podcasts on the internet has
a home here in Kansas City. The Kansas City Weather Podcast
started in February and continues to grow rapidly in popularity.
Former Kansas City broadcast meteorologist Ed Roberts brings
his listeners weather forecasts for the Kansas City area every
day. Ed's forecasts continue to be some of the best in the city,
and have many turning to his podcast as their only source for
weather forecasts. |
07/02/2005 Purina Dips Paw into Podcasting
As for the podcasting, Moore said the initiative was born
of the enthusiasm of the interactive marketing team, as well
as the availability of audio content -- an "Ask the Vet" program
the company had long produced for a local St. Louis radio station.
Complete Article
july archive
may archive
april archive
create, edit, and publish podcast feeds. |

Podcasting Ornaments!