02/28/2007 Podcast Recording Software
Before you begin podcasting develop a plan and a format
for your show. Determine the focus of your podcast and what
types of guests you would like to interview. Time spent planning
your show will contribute to it's success.
Location, Location, Location
When you are producing a podcast on a regular basis it is important
that you select an appropriate location for the recording to
take place. The location should be free of external distractions
and relatively quiet. It is easiest if you use the same location
each time, that way the equipment can remain in place and will
not require moving or setup each time you produce a show.
Podcast Recording Tips |
02/27/2007 New Yorker Video Podcast
Animated versions of The New Yorkers famous cartoons are
now available on iTunes. A venture called RingTales has apparently been given an exclusive
license to animate and distribute The New Yorker's library of
over 70,000 cartoons. Each week, three new video animations
will be added to the feed. |
02/27/2007 Apple and Cisco Kiss and Make Up
Last wednesday Apple and Cisco resolved their long-running
dispute over the iPhone name.
The companies released an announcement saying they had reached
an agreement allowing both to use the hotly contested trademark.
The agreement will permit both Apple and Cisco to use the iPhone
trademark worldwide. |
02/27/2007 Online Business Interviews
This is classified as an ecommerce podcasts but the interviews all
appear to be with CEOs of some of the top online stores, from
Peapod to Craigs List. Really a great collection of notable
interviews. |
02/27/2007 Foreign Language Podcasts and Feeds
Good summary of language feeds that teach Russian, Portuguese,
Spanish, Hindi and Chinese. Additional foreign language feeds
and podcasts can be found in the Educational Feed and Podcast directory. |
02/26/2007 Prime Minister of England Podcasts
Number 10 Downing Street has entered the 21st Century. Tony
Blair has been podcasting interviews with a number of high-profile
personalities. |
02/26/2007 PC Magazine Believes the Podcast Hype
Great podcasting article by PC Magazine:
All of the hype surrounding new communication technologies
like podcasting may make you wonder why you bother paying attention.
But like blogging, which I wrote about in the previous issue,
podcasting is a relatively easy way to increase consumer awareness
and create an open dialogue between your customer and your brand,
ultimately creating loyalty.
Customers can also subscribe to your podcast, so that each
time you produce a new show, they will automatically receive
it. Much as a webinar can do (but without needing to be live),
podcasts can reach your target market with regularly scheduled
relevant messages and information about an issue, your industry,
and your business.
complete article |
02/20/2007 Locate Niche Podcasts
These directories will help you find niche focused podcasts,
see the original article!
Financial Podcasts
Security Podcasts
Medical Podcasts
Real Estate
Realty Podcasts
ML Podcasts
Religious Podcasts
Church Podcasts
Automotive Podcasts
Sports Feeds
and Podcasts
Sports podcasts
Educational Podcast
Educational Podcasts
Political Feeds
Political Podcasts
Government Feeds
Government Podcasts
02/20/2007 Governor Orders Webcasts of all Public Meetings
On his first day in office, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer
issued an executive order requiring all public meetings to be
webcast by July.
Spitzer, the state's former attorney general, issued the
order Jan. 1 because the majority of New Yorkers are unable
to attend such meetings. The citizens of New York must be "fully
aware of and able to observe the performances of public officials
and attend and listen to the deliberations and decisions that
go into the making of public policy," the order states.
complete article |
02/15/2007 Philharmonic on iTunes
The New York Philharmonics new season will take the orchestra
deeper into the non-classical world — with iTunes, cell phone
ringtones and the Web.
"We were at the top of the iTunes chart — along with Madonna,"
the Philharmonic's executive director, Zarin Mehta, boasted
at a news conference at Avery Fisher Hall. |
02/14/2007 Video Valentines
Chocolates and cards on Valentine's Day are so yesterday:
some tech-savvy South Koreans are declaring their love through
video messages on the Internet.
complete article |
02/13/2007 Google Benefitting from Piracy
A group of major media companies has accused Google Inc.
of benefiting from the sale of pirated movies and providing
business support to two Web sites suspected of offering access
to illegal film downloads, the Wall Street Journal said on Monday.
Google Benefits from Piracy |
02/13/2007 Podcast Freq Hosts Unusual Podcast Ideas
6 Podcasting Ideas for Businesses
1) Team briefings to field based people.
2) Introducing strategy to people at work - like an audiobook
3) Functional heads to give an insight into their area -
terminology, aims, etc
4) Something for the families of your employees….depending
on your product. But maybe a podcast in Jan about sorting out
your finances, moving home, arranging a wedding, having your
first child etc
5)Instead of the awful music when you are put on hold - stories
about how your company has helped customers?
6) Showcase talent within your workforce…be it musicians,
comedians, singers, poetry writers etc
from PodcastFreq |
02/13/2007 Podcast Advertising Due to Explode
According to Media Week Podcasting Poised to Generate $400
Million in Ads by 2011.
According to a report to be released by eMarketer this week,
which finds that spending on podcasting advertising will quintuple
over the next five years, from a paltry $80 million base in
2006 to a $400 million market in 2011. (Granted, this is still
on the small side, considering the $20 billion interactive ad
market expected this year.)
complete article
02/12/2007 YouTube a Terrorist Tool
Anyone with an Internet connection can watch videos of
bombings and sniper attacks against U.S. forces - shot and edited
by Islamic militants and broadcast on YouTube, the world's largest
video-sharing website.
With the global spread of high-speed Internet connections
and the relative anonymity afforded by the world's biggest and
busiest sites, extremists have found a new theater to display
violence and anti-American propaganda.
complete article |
02/09/2007 New Podcasting Website - World Podcasting Forum
A new portal for podcasters that includes a discussion forum
and resources has been posted. The World Podcast Forum was founded by a bunch
of podcasting businesses. |
02/08/2007 Podcasting Quiz
Take the Podcasting Quiz and test your knowledge of
podcasting. |
02/06/2007 New iPod Tutorial
A new downloadable pdf iPod tutorial is available.
The free iPod tutorial explains the differences between
the iPod models. It also deciphers the technical jargon used
on websites to explain the iPods various features and functions.
The iPod tutorial includes screenshots to assist users in setting
up the basics, from the date and time to their contacts. The
iPod tutorial is designed to even help advanced iPod users to
take advantage of the iPods more advanced and complex features.
02/05/2007 What RSS is Not!
In the short time RSS has been around, many misconceptions
have been formed for a surprisingly simple concept. RSS is simply
a standard for syndicating information (any type of information)
on the web.
What RSS is Not! |
02/05/2007 Podcast Sale
Tim Bourquin, founder of the Podcast and New Media Expo,
has announced the sale of his podcast media property, Endurance
If you are looking to sell here is what matters according to
Jason Van Orden
How Much is a Podcast Worth?
There are several things that give an established podcast worth.
Here are the assets that you might have that have interest to
a prospective buyer.:
1. An audience that have expressed interest in a niche
2. A relationship with that audience (some of which can
be transferred to the new host/owner if you play things right)
3. A community (the relationships that exist amongst
your audience/users)
4. A back catalog of content
5. Established traffic sources in the form
of search engine ranking, inbound links, etc.
6. A recognized brand name (a known source of quality
information/entertainment) |
02/05/2007 Schools Podcasting Lectures
iPod's and Podcasts are no longer just a form of entertainment.
Now, classrooms are taking a big jump into the world of technology.
Teachers from Florence County met Wednesday for a training
session on how to implement iPod technologies in their classrooms,
more specifically, Podcasts. iPods will not only bring convenience
to the classrooms, but will make the classroom accessible 24
hours a day, instead of just in between the school bells. If
a student is absent, or missed a class they can download their
lecture without stepping one foot in the classroom.
The growing database of educational podcasts in the educational feeds
directory is a clear sign of this growing trend.
02/05/2007 School Board Meetings to be Videocasts
Great use for video podcasts:
Within the next month, anyone interested in watching Churchill
County School District board meetings can do so from the comfort
of their home.
The district will be podcasting live streaming video of the
sessions via the Internet.
Dan Slentz, vice president of Oasis Online, said Thursday
high school students in Chip Rutledge's video class will run
the video cameras during board meetings.
Parents who want to watch the meeting can log on to the school
district's Web site and see it as it happens. The sessions will
be archived and available on the site.
complete article |
02/05/2007 Wired Parish Charges for Casts
The podcasting subscription model is attempting to take
hold on WiredParish, a christian podcast
site is charging $ 6.95 for subscriptions to their hosted podcasts.
Hmmm, I wonder what will stick, with free christian podcasts
available by the hundreds at Religious Podcasts it will be interesting
to watch. |
02/04/2007 Disney on iTunes
Disney has sold 1.3 million movies in its first three
months on iTunes, Disney CEO Bob Iger said in an interview with
the Financial Times this week. The movie studio, which saw solid
sales in the first eight weeks since its iTunes introduction,
had downloads skyrocket through the holiday season, pushing
them well past the 1-million mark. |
01/30/2007 Podcasting Bundle - Audio Recording and Feed Creation
New Podcasting Software Bundle.
FeedForAll has released a new application that handles audio recording and editing. The new application
is very easy to use and has a built in tutorial that demonstrates
the basics. If you are interested in trying podcasting this
combination is an inexpensive and powerful combination!

Users can try free evaluation versions of both FeedForAll and RecordForAll . Users who opt to purchase the
podcasting software bundle will save $ 10.00
on there order. |