A Podcasting Blog from
Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters
and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast
news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added
on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product
announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and
much, much more.
04/26/2010 PodCamp Cleveland
2010 is MAY 1, 2010
PodCamps are held worldwide and across the U.S. every year,
attracting some of the best experts in the social media and
podcasting industry, but also those who are eager to share their
experience with others through creative commons licensing. All
content at PodCamps are free to share with others, provided
that attribution is given to the original source.
PodCamp Cleveland encourages participants to take photos, record,
copy and share everything from this un-conference as long as
they agree to the Creative Commons licensing rules for attribution
and non-commercial use.
Cleveland 2010 is MAY 1, 2010 |
04/22/2010 Inc 500 and
Social Media
From familiarity to usage to importance, social media is
expanding rapidly within the Inc. 500. Corporate business is
increasingly recognizing the power and value of social media.
In a report for The Center for Marketing Research at the University
of Massachusetts, researchers Nora Barnes and Eric Mattson concluded
that the Inc. 500 was outpacing the more traditional and larger
Fortune 500 companies in their use of social media, and that
social media has penetrated parts of the business world at a
tremendous speed.
Their research examined the six kinds of prominent social media--blogging,
podcasting, online video, social networking, message boards
and wikis. They concluded that social networking had the greatest
growth, followed by blogging, and that Twitter in particular
was undergoing phenomenal growth. While most companies that
responded to the research indicated social media was acceptable
in the workplace for employees, less than one-third had formal
complete article |
04/21/2010 Podcasting
Is Launching Stars
A podcaster from the USA - whose podcast on whisky regularly
attracts some 10,000 listeners per week - has been secured as
a speaker at a dinner taking place in Scotland.
Podcasting Speaker |
04/20/2010 Marathon
With the approaching Boston Marathon I thought it would
be good to highlight some Marathon Podcasts
Runners World
04/19/2010 Create a
Podcast on Your iPhone
How to Create Podcasts for Education, a guide on podcasting,
has been adapted for the iPod and iPhone platforms by KiwiTech
– a mobile app company which develops state-of-the-art
mobile app technologies and provides mobile app development
services with an emphasis on publishing.
complete article |
04/14/2010 15 Important
Web Design Tips
Here are 15 important website design tips that you might not be aware
of or have overlooked. Consider taking advantage of them if
you have not already done so.. |
04/13/2010 Podcasting
Powering Higher Education
Introducing digital audio technology into into
education can bring new opportunities to enhance study. Catherine
Dhanjal reports on how students at Sheffield Hallam have been
using podcasts in diverse and creative ways
Podcasting – recording and reviewing digital audio
– is being used by organisations such as Downing
Street and national newspapers but is also providing exciting
opportunities to change the way learning is developed and delivered
in higher education.
Podcasting Powers Education |
04/12/2010 Cloud Podcasting
The promo video is focused on cloud-based collaborative
music making, but it’s easy to imagine using the
same service for podcast creation. |
04/05/2010 Online Reputation
The Internet is preserving and archiving personal history
in a way that has never previously happened. Control your online
reputation for posterity.
Online Reputation Management
04/02/2010 Podcasting
Most major newspapers, magazines and television networks
now offer some form of podcast as part of their web identities
— much of this is due to threats in revenue losses.
Once the domain of would-be DJs with too much down-time, the
podcast has evolved over the years as a powerful and exceedingly
popular social mechanism. Podcasting, not surprisingly, even
occasionally finds its way into the classroom.
complete article |
03/30/2010 Get Sound
Spice up your podcast with sound effects! |
03/29/2010 Podcasts
are Podern
Podcasts are modern tools for education - atleast according
to AskTheProf |
03/24/2010 Quick Questions
About Podcastings
Podcasting is an up-and-coming and increasingly popular
medium for communication. The following are common questions
about podcasting, perfect for those just getting started in
podcasting as a communication channel...
Quick Questions About Podcasting |
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