Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
How to market your podcast
Podcast production best practices
With an overall format and frequency refined, the next step is producing a single show. For best results, consider starting with a storyboard or outline. This provides an opportunity to talk through the most important elements of the show, including segment timing and transitions.
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Podcast Upfront Spotlights Fast-Emerging Advertising Market
Podcasting is one of the fastest-growing advertising media, with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC projecting the US market will more than double ad spending from 2017 to 2020 to reach $659 million. Yet podcast advertising represents just a tiny fraction of the US radio ($14 billion) and TV ($70 billion) advertising markets, according to 2018 eMarketer estimates.
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The 5 Best Podcasting Microphones for New Podcasters and Streamers
Podcasts are hot right now, with tons of people jumping into the mix to produce shows about any and every thing. Though just a few years ago the barrier to entry may have been higher for those trying to start their own shows, that's certainly not the case anymore. There are many services available that make publishing your show as easy as a click of a button—and a variety of gear has hit the market designed specifically with the podcaster and streamer in mind.
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Hollywood Seeking Foothold in $314M Podcast Industry
Agents and media executives are no longer just focused on exploiting IP for film and TV.
A series of traditional media moves into podcasting signal that the niche audio medium is poised to get a lot louder.
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Podcasting Is Not Easy - But It Is Worth It
Podcasting has evolved.
Within even the last two years, the podcasting bar has been raised to a more thoughtful and strategic medium, taking on progressive issues with increasingly diverse voices. And in the case of most shows, either actual production value or at least some editing work is apparent.
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Is podcasting the future of education?
The U.S. is quickly becoming a podcast nation. According to a 2017 survey, nearly 25 percent of Americans — around 68 million — said they listened to podcasts. Forty-two percent were even willing to pay to do so. The largest contingent of podcast listeners (44 percent) are millennials, and that coveted cohorts tuned-in attention has attracted advertisers, whose podcast-generated revenue rose from $69 million in 2015 to $220 million in 2017. In the last four years alone, the popularity of podcast listening has doubled.
Even more interesting is what people are listening to. One would expect genres like sports, news, and technology to be popular — and they are — but they are all surpassed in listenership by one unlikely competitor: educational podcasts.
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Nope, there is Not a podcast bubble
Read the latest in Podcasting News
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Location-Based Headwinds; Podcasting Has Grown Up
Location-based technology fueled optimism about mobile ad revenue, but regulations like GDPR and mobile policy changes from Apple and Google have put a damper on those expectations. Now some location companies are ditching their media-buying business to focus on more holistic data services, Business Insider reports. Android has restricted the number of location pings a mobile app can make from every few minutes to a few times per hour, and iPhone owners now receive constant alert bars when apps are tracking location. Agencies have also been skeptical of location data and often want more services or granular insights than vendors can provide.
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Lies You Have Been Told About Podcasting
As a professional podcaster, I have to deal with a certain degree of myth-making. It comes from everywhere?—?from those who have only the faintest idea of what I do to others who work in the industry. Podcast is an incredibly amorphous word these days?—?at once ubiquitous and uncomfortably alien. My job begets varying degrees of confusion, exaggeration, and, shall we say, imaginative expertise.
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Why podcasting companies are getting more into scripted shows
Podcasting is going Hollywood.
Over the past year, HowStuffWorks, Gimlet and Wondery have stepped up their search for content that can be adapted into film, television, or even books as production studios snap up podcasts for high-profile films and cable TV series with A-list talent like Julia Roberts, Connie Britton and Eric Bana.
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Steps for producing a professional-sounding podcast
Inspired enough by true crime or current events podcasts to wander into the weeds and forge your own? The allure — and occasional pitfall — of podcasting is that pretty much any person with a smartphone can create a podcast. To save you from yourself, consider these steps when launching a podcast.
Consider what the podcast will be about and establish a goal for it. The audience should generally know what to expect, but the concept should be broad enough to avoid running out of steam after the first episode. The subject matter should be an area of expertise to the host.
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Using podcasts to build brands
Podcasts are emerging as an extremely powerful tool for building brands, according to Randall Rothenberg, president/chief executive officer of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).
During the IABs 2018 Podcast Upfront, Rothenberg argued that podcasts have rapidly caught the attention of consumers – and, in turn, lured brands to a fresh digital-advertising opportunity.
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Bloomberg Media is using text-to-audio to keep app users engaged
Bloomberg Media in May introduced a text-to-audio function in its app and online with the hunch that commuters would prefer to multitask while getting their news.
According to Julia Beizer, global chief product officer, adoption started off slow, particularly on mobile web, and shortly after launch, people were listening to two and a half stories on average per app session. Now, this has increased to six stories and has become the second-most popular media type on the app (behind live TV).
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10 Best Podcasts for Solopreneurs
One of the most challenging and rewarding parts of being a solopreneur is the need to be constantly learning. Of course, every day has its own lessons to teach—trial and error is the heartbeat of solopreneurship, after all. Sometimes, though, we need to turn to proven mentors and leaders who can offer wisdom from experiences that reach beyond our own.
When we run into these situations, books seem like the obvious first choice. Indeed, there’s a book out there for any problem you may encounter, whether procrastination, apathy, branding, or crippling self-doubt. Besides, should not we be reading like fiends anyway? It is common knowledge that the most successful business leaders all share a ravenous appetite for good books.
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