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Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast
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much, much more.
10/31/2005 Burton's iPod and Snowboarding
Embarking on a long term wireless integration collaboration,
Burton Snowboards and Motorola Inc. recently revealed plans
to launch a collection of Bluetooth-enabled winter gear for
snowboarding tech types that want to stay connected.
Burton and Motorola have been and will continue to work together
to explore the possibility of integrating Bluetooth Wireless
Technology into snowboard apparel, enabling users to control
their music and mobile phones while on the slopes, the companies
The end result is a series of three technologically advanced
Burton Audex Snowboard Jackets with wireless connectivity that
give consumers access to their cell phone and iPod (or both
at once) without having to handle the devices in any way.
Complete Article
10/31/2005 Disney Scrambles For More Video iPod Content
Delivering "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives" television
show content to wireless and mobile devices such as Apple Computer's
video iPod may be only the beginning for the Disney ABC Television
The future growth for the division will come from delivering
media content on mobile devices, said Albert Chang, executive
vice president of digital media for the Disney ABC Television
Group. He spoke Monday at the Yankee Group Mobile Entertainment
Summit in San Diego.
10/31/2005 iPod Owners Make Friends And Influence People
Owners of Apple Computer's iPods are among the Internet's
most influential users, said a study released Tuesday, and take
to other new products and services in much larger numbers than
the average.
According to market research firm Intelliseek, iPod owners are
more than twice as likely to have blogged than other consumers,
they text message two-and-a-half times the norm, and they are
three times as likely to download movie and video clips.
Complete Article
10/27/2005 Podcast Peer Awards
The Podcast Peer
Awards have been created to recognize outstanding podcasters
and their shows, as chosen by their peers.
10/26/2005 Podcasting Program Proves Popular at the University
of Washington
According to Alex Williams of Corante
"Podcasting is inspiring educators who continue to note it
as one of the most innovative technologies they have seen in
a long time.
Just take a look at what's happening at the University of
Washington , where a pilot podcast program is getting off to
a fast start. Three classes are being podcast. So far this quarter,
there have been 719 downloads, enough interest for the university
to consider expanding podcasting to more classes."
10/25/2005 Instant Podcasts
Businesses quickly found that power point presentations
could be converted into technical articles, or forum posts could
be ported to become a basis for a list of frequently asked questions.
Along a similar vein webmasters have located a new advent in
repurposed content is re-using text articles by converting them
into audio podcasts.
more on Instant Podcasts
10/24/2005 MovieTickets.com Launches Podcasting Feature
MovieTickets.com on Thursday launched a podcasting service
for delivering movie synopses and alerts when new summaries
are available.
The online movie-ticketing service is offering MP3 audio versions
of the movie descriptions, which can be received through Apple
Computer's popular iTunes music software, and newsreaders supporting
The move is an example of how podcasting, which is the delivering
of audio content over the Web via RSS technology, is being adopted
as a marketing tool. By delivering alerts on new movie synopses,
MovieTickets.com is providing Hollywood fans with descriptions
of the latest movies. |
10/19/2005 Elliot Spitzer Fired Up Podcasting
One of the latest folks to use the increasingly popular
podcasting technology is New York state Attorney General Eliot
The Democrat -- who's a candidate for governor next year --
will be able to deliver audio comments to radio stations and
any New Yorker who may be interested.
The Spitzer podcasts won't be limited to English. Some of the
attorney general's news "feeds" will be produced in Spanish,
Korean, Russian and Chinese. Larrabee says they'll be voiced
by State University at Albany international students. |
10/17/2005 Build iTune Compatible Podcasts with FeedForAll
Mac Beta
NotePage, Inc. has released a beta version of FeedForAll Mac. The new version
includes full iTunes support as well as other RSS 2.0 extensions.
A free beta download is available.
FeedForAll Mac is a convenient easy to use tool for editing
and creating RSS feeds on a Mac.
10/17/2005 Hollywood Wants to Be Part of the Action
In a show of unity, five unions representing actors, writers
and directors issued a joint call for talks to make sure their
members get a cut of revenue generated by the sale of TV shows
on Apple's iTunes software.
The unions sent a clear message to TV producers.
"We have not yet heard from the responsible employers of our
members," their joint statement said. "But we look forward to
a dialogue that ensures that our members are properly compensated
for this exploitation of their work."
The presidents of unions representing Hollywood writers and
actors were lunching at a popular Beverly Hills restaurant on
Wednesday when they saw a TV report about a deal to allow episodes
of ABC shows such as "Lost" to be downloaded for portable viewing
on the new video iPod from Apple Computer Inc. |
10/13/2005 Shock of Shock - A Video iPod
Can you believe it? I never would have guessed that Apple
had planned a video iPod...
Apple has introduced its latest iPod, featuring a 2.5-inch
color screen which can display album artwork and photos, and
play video including music videos, video Podcasts, home movies
and television shows. The new iPod holds up to 15,000 songs,
25,000 photos or over 150 hours of video and is available in
a 30GB model for $299 and a 60GB model for $399, with both models
available in stunning white or black designs.
10/11/2005 Voters get message from Candidates
Like many 24-year-olds, Matthew Slutsky keeps his iPod
close at hand. He listens to it going to work, doing errands,
walking down the street -- whenever he is "on the go," he says.
But some of the most listened-to names in Slutsky's iPod
are not today's hottest bands; they're politicians and political
pundits. Every morning, he downloads the latest "AfterNote,"
a politics newscast from ABC, and listens to it on his way to
work at a political consulting firm. Slutsky also listens to
former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards and
to Al Franken, talk show host on the liberal Air America radio
It makes perfect sense that politicians and pundits are embracing
the new medium, in which audio files are downloaded from the
Internet to an iPod, MP3 player or similar device.
Complete Article
10/11/2005 Yahoo Podcast Directory
Provide the link to the podcast RSS feed that you would
like to be added to the Yahoo! There is a box in the top right that
allows you to add podcasts.
10/05/2005 PodSpider
The enhanced PodSpider
search engine populates the new PodSpider Portal with over 20,000
international podcasts in English, conveniently organized into
25 subject areas and 300 categories.
10/05/2005 What's an enhanced podcast?
Enhanced podcasts are AAC encoded audio files (m4a or m4b,
m4p) with new data inside them that can be time based, like
an image or a URL to appear at a certain time.
10/03/2005 Whirlpool Marketing Podcast
What's interesting is the podcasts are focused on family
issues and are not centered around Whirlpool products. Moreover,
Whirlpool has done no overt promotion of the podcasts, preferring
that they be found through word-of-mouth marketing. One charmer:
the interview featuring Habitat Families and an interview with
the 200,000th recipient of a Habitat For Humanity-built home
(Whirlpool supports the non-profit by supplying a refrigerator
and range to every Habitat home).
10/03/2005 Sex Ed via Podcast?
Today, Jackstreet Media and Aldagon Resources launched a
weekly sex education radio program called "Casual Sex 18-27."
The program aims to address ineffective sex education initiatives
by 'getting real' with teens and college students heading back
to school this fall.
The series features raw interviews with young and very young
adults talking about their sexual practices, attitudes and experiences
with safe sex and not so safe sex. Guests are between the ages
of 18 and 27 and include sexually active college students, young
men and women dating people with HIV, youth practicing abstinence
and peer to peer sex education activists.
Guests discuss the forces shaping their sexual attitudes, the
sexual behavior they are seeing among their peers, their thoughts
and feelings about the sexual risks they face, the sexual risks
they take and their perception of conventional safe sex campaigns.
By delivering the program through podcasting, the series is
able to break new ground in style and content. |
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