A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
This Could Be the Future of Podcasting
It also was not in the slightest bit mainstream: according to Edison Research, in 2006 only 22% of Americans were even familiar with the term podcasting, and only 11% had ever listened to one. Both numbers have slowly but steadily grown over the years (55% have heard of podcasting as of this year, and 36% have listened to one, and there actually isn’t a readily apparent ‘Serial’ bump), aided in large part by the smartphone: by removing the need to sync with iTunes it was much easier to have fresh podcasts at the ready. Still, there remained the challenge of creating compelling content, discovering content worth listening to, retaining listeners and, of course, paying for it all.
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Did Twitter Drop $70 Million on SoundCloud for Podcasting?
It is unclear whether the Twitter investment is part of a strategic partnership, but that would make sense: Twitter might view via an integration with SoundCloud as a way to increase growth and engagement, and SoundCloud may look at Twitter as a way to promote its newly launched subscription service, which is crucial to the companys plans.
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Why is a compelling podcast the best idea for your startup?
Blogging is popular in India, but podcasts are still at their nascent stages. As a startup, why not mark the first stone in this arena. The idea of podcasts is no less than alchemy to your business expansion. Therefore, here is a list of benefits podcasts are going to bring to your business – and will also add to your success story.
One of the most appealing features of podcasting is its cost effectiveness. Businesses with low budgets and big dreams can start releasing podcasts at a small scale. All you need is a microphone and a computer or a Smartphone to record your episodes – most of which are present already.
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Niché No More: The Podcast Comes of Age
Here in the UK the growing cultural buzz around podcasts means now is a good time to explore how they could be monetised. Dax, known for their championing of digital audio, and media agency the7stars, have collaborated on the UKs first piece of independent research designed to explore consumers attitudes to podcasts and what commercial possibilities podcasts offer to marketers.
Strong weekly share and a young and engaged urban audience are just two opportunities podcasts offer brand owners, according to our study. In the UK, 3.6m Britons have listened to a podcast within the last four weeks and 11m podcasts are now listened to each month.
According to industry data source MIDAS, podcasts reach 7% of all audio listeners every week. And when combined with listen again/catch-up radio services, many of which include shows packaged by their makers as podcasts, the market opportunity is as big as on demand music services which currently command a weekly reach of 14% of all UK audio listeners.
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Podcasting Blossoms, but in Slow Motion
Is podcasting in the middle of a long boom or a short bubble? The future of radio, a medium already being buffeted by streaming music, may be riding on the answer.
Podcasting — a terrible tech insider’s name for delivering radiolike shows directly to your phone — has long been prone to cycles of hype and doom.
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Skype causing more headaches for Mac podcasters
Hobbyist and professional podcasters alike depend on Microsofts Skype for mustering panels and interviewing guests, even as they curse it under their breath for its occasional lack of stability and call quality. Skype is ubiquitous because it’s widely cross-platform, relatively easy to install and use, and free—but it may be time for Mac podcasters in particular to pursue more options.
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Podcasting? Why Now?
Remember what you thought of podcasting when it first launched on iTunes? Have you considered it as a medium for either extending your content or aligning your brand?
While Serial’s runaway success catapulted podcasting into the mainstream, the industry has been growing and maturing into a viable promotional platform well beyond the breakout hit. More than 57 million Americans listen to podcasts each month—thats about 10% of the U.S. population, and growing at about 20% annually. Podcasts are resonating with the millennial-and-under sets and are quickly becoming the audio track to a large percentage of those generations.
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Does the world need more podcasts?
Are there too many podcasts?
I do not think there is such a thing as too many podcasts. In order for a podcast to be successful they do not have to have massive listenerships. So there might be someone who wants to do a podcast about crocheting and they might be able to find sponsorship from a company that sells yarn, for example. And they might have 20,000 extremely devoted listeners who listen to the podcast and then go buy that yarn.
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The Pulse: Podcasting 101
This months edition of The Pulse marks the 10th anniversary of the podcast.
In this installment, The Pulses host, Rodney B. Murray celebrates with a discussion of the history of podcasting (and the iPod), his own experiences with the format, and a how-to guide complete with best practices and a list of helpful apps.
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Apple at a Crossroads with Podcasting
More than a decade after Apple officially started supporting podcasts in iTunes, they are booming in popularity. In that time, however, little about how Apple manages the popular iTunes podcast directory has changed, which has some podcasters concerned. The New York Times reports that complaints include having to woo a single Apple employee in charge of promoting podcasts, not receiving enough listener data, and the difficulty of sharing podcast episodes to social media.
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Apple is an Accidental Gatekeeper for Podcasts
A New York Times article is causing a rift in the world of podcasting. And a majority of the points it makes and the podcast producer wants from those interviewed scream careful what you wish for Apple is undoubtedly the gatekeeper of podcasts, but it is an accidental gatekeeper.
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Podcasting Profits
Chris Krimitsos, founder of entrepreneur-focused networking group Tampa Bay Business Owners, got hooked on podcasting in 2013. So hooked he started the Florida Podcasters Association.
It all started when podcaster and voice actor Steve Cherubino asked Krimitsos for a speaking spot at one of Krimitsos meetings. Cherubino wanted to talk about podcasting. When Krimitsos asked Cherubino how many listeners he had for his niche electronic dance music producer podcast, Cherubino told him not too many — around 4,000 an episode.
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Podcasting: The Promise And Perils
Podcasting is important. It represents a growing consumer appetite for quality, narrowcast, personal media. Podcasting is a bit of a warning sign to mass and mainstream media, as niche content takes hold.
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Podcasting: The Economics - Passions And Profits
No doubt podcasts attract some well-known podcast sponsors: Squarespace , MailChimp, LegalZoom and more. But much do they pay for those mentions, and do podcasts fit into the Madison Avenue media measurement known as CPM, or cost per thousand, which measures and sells audiences by the pound.
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Podcasting Becomes Even More Important as Google Adds Support for Android
Jacobs Medias new Web study of radio listeners shows a big increase in the importance of podcasting and on-demand programming. Both show impressive gains.
The Techsurvey12 was conducted from Jan. 19–Feb. 22 of this year. Stakeholder stations participated in a recent webinar, and the results of the study will be released over the next few months.
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The Case for Podcasts in Your Marketing Mix
It is a crowded content space out there. Attention spans are limited and people are busy. So, consider this: Podcasting is the only form of content that can be consumed while an individual is doing other activities. Yet they remain underutilized in higher education. Written content, videos and images all have their place and should be strategically deployed, but they do not afford the same flexibility as podcasts, which can be listened to while doing housework, driving or exercising.
Edison Research, which monitors podcast adoption, has found that 21% of Americans 12 and older have listened to a podcast in the last month.
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