A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
The race to monetise podcasting
There is a company in the U.S. called Panoply. You would probably call them a broadcaster although, technically, narrowcaster might be a more accurate term. Either way, this company may just be what the future of radio looks like.
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Podcasting: A Users Guide To Discovery
As podcasting has grown, more and more of the media companies that formerly produced either radio or television are adding podcasts to their media offerings.
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Politics and Podcasting
The staggering distribution numbers, through channels like iTunes, YouTube, or podcasting websites, indicate that technology could play a critical role in the upcoming elections. Technology could be the deciding factor in the 2008 US Presidential race, and while distribution has never before been as accessible as it is to today's politicians and political candidates, politicians have far less control over the news and media than their counterparts in previous years.
The curious need not look any further than YouTube to find the latest political constituents being haunted by their own words and dogged by their past missteps. Today's politicians have far less control of the news media and messages associated with their candidacy.
Politics and Podcasting |
Why Podcasting Is Going To Sound Totally Different In 2016
But in 2016, everything about podcasting is going to change. Thanks to a number of rapidly evolving technologies and changes in listener behavior, a lot of the seismic shifts that have swept across other digital media will shake up podcasting, too, making its ads more easily targeted and its shows easier to discover and share.
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Podcasting: The Economics - Passions And Profits
Over the past two years, podcasting has grown dramatically. It all began after the success of the WBEZ podcast Serial, first released in October 2014 as a spin-off of the radio program This American Life.
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Will the Podcasts You Follow, Follow You?
Podcasting has been one of the last corners of digital media that one can consume pretty much anonymously. Not only are publishers unsure about who you are, they have not even known when or if you have listened to their shows. Podcasting stats have been so fuzzy that there’s debate about how to even count downloads. That could all change if the startup Art19 has its way.
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Podcasting, Once a Niche Labor of Love, Now Can Open Doors in TV and More
When Walking Dead producer Gale Anne Hurd was looking around for a new project to bring to television, she did not settle on a hot book—comic or otherwise. Instead, it was a year-old podcast called Lore, created—and produced on the cheap—by Aaron Mahnke.
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7 tips for podcasting on the cheap
Just as anyone with a keyboard and an opinion can start a blog, anyone with a voice can start a podcast. Ideally it should be a nice voice with something original to say, but that's up to you to work out.
One big question facing novice podcasters is how to get started -- or, more accurately, how much to get started. Surely you need a fancy microphone, a mixing board, a soundproof studio and several audio engineers?
Another tool for Editing we recommend is RecordForAll.
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Millenials Turn To Podcasting To Get Their Brand Out
AdWeek has the details about the continuing rise in popularity of Podcasting stating 21% of Americans age 12 or older say they have listened to a podcast in the past month, a 17 percent increase in the last year and a 75 percent increase since 2013.
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Can Podcasts Turn a Profit
The success of podcasts like Serial and Untold is helping to bring a new audience to this medium. But it is innovation in attracting revenue from the listeners that will support the revival of podcasting with firmer foundations.
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Podcasting Is Big Business
While some of those dollars will likely be new to audio, a big chunk of them will also come from that other platform with well established listener metrics: Radio.
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5 Podcasting Pet Peeves You Should Avoid
I have been consistently producing and editing a podcast for a tad more than eleven years, and like most podcast producers, I listen to more than a few podcasts. In fact, I’m always seeking out podcasts that fit my fickle and changing interests. Maybe my podcast-producing experience has reduced my podcast-listening pleasure because I tend to focus on the quality of the product rather than the content.
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Podcasting: The New Frontier for Women Bloggers
Today, podcasting has become a major content piece for them, as they’ve expanded on different issue areas, and used the platform to expand their brand with new audiences.
But I admit I have not given podcasting much thought since then.
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How to make a successful podcast
Starting a podcast can be daunting, but not if you know how to do so. Here are a few pointers, whether you need equipment suggestions, distribution guidance, or some suggestions on how to build your audience.
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