A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
Why Recent Grads Are Breaking Up With Blogs in Favor of Podcasts
We have just seen phenomenal growth in podcasting, says Cristen Conger, host of the podcast Stuff Mom Never Told You. Conger and co-host Caroline Ervin have produced 800 episodes, and the show receives more than 1 million downloads per month. Conger says downloads have tripled since 2014.
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Are you ready to pay for a Netflix for podcasts?
What if anything would you pay to listen to your favorite podcast?
As podcasters furiously pursue fast-growing ad money, many are looking — down the road — to listener payment as a secondary way to build their businesses.
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Podcasting with gorillas, pandas, and elephants
Just back from an adventure at Ugandas Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Dr. Nikhil Advani wanted to share his thoughts on climate change adaptation.
Like many scientists, Dr. Advani is on the lookout for new ways to communicate and deliver his science to a broad audience. Dr. Advani found podcasts as one innovative avenue to share his science when he appeared on the podcast America Adapts to discuss his work on adaptation at the World Wildlife Fund where he is the senior program officer for adaptation.
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Advertisers Warming Up To Podcasting
ESPN Senior VP Traug Keller says we are experiencing a seismic shift in how consumers take in their audio. What he was talking about is the explosion in podcast listening. And he certainly has the numbers to back it up. ESPN is right in the middle of the action, some would say they are leading the podcasting charge. At a Radio Show panel on Wednesday, Keller said in August ESPN’s 47 shows were downloaded 54 million times, and he expects that number to be over 60 million in September. And that translates to scale, and that’s what advertisers want.
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Corporate Americas Love Affair with Podcasting
In the past few years, podcasts expanding audiences—Edison Research estimates that roughly 57 million Americans download a podcast every month—have turned the platform into an obvious destination for big business. Even Fortune is in on the game.
Here, a look at some of the companies that are making their own podcasts, or commissioning other people to make one for them:
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Podcasters React To New Guidelines
These new guidelines create a new benchmark for measuring podcast downloads that updates those eight-year-old guidlelines to reflect eight years of learning, adapting, and improving the technologies by the early leaders of the podcasting industry.
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Podcasters get matched with great guests, for free.
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Podcasters Make Their Sales Pitch to Advertisers
The podcast industry is contending with a series of advertising hurdles, like a difficulty in measuring how many people are downloading—and then actually listening to—episodes. As a result, most podcast ads are from direct-response marketers that more easily track their investment through promotional codes.
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Uncommon Ground:Where Are The Women In Podcasting?
We concluded that if you are knowledgeable, passionate and enthusiastic about the subject matter, podcasting can be anyones game. With ambition, drive, and a few hundred dollars you can make your voice heard, and until you try it, you never know who will be interested in listening
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Why podcasts are so popular and what the format needs to grow
Acast works with media companies like the Financial Times, BuzzFeed and Vogue, as well as independent creators to host, distribute and monetize podcasts. They have grown the service from 100,000 test listeners to now rake in 45 million unique visitors per month.
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Why the Conversational Power of Podcasting Is the Future of Advertising
Podcasting is the digital medium built on the power of conversation. Although undoubtedly with a genesis in the American radio tradition, there are none of the literal bells and whistles of shock-jock morning radio, nor the pressure to deliver impact in 3-minutes-or-less: Listeners are engaging with podcasts for 20, 30, 40 minutes—somtimes longer—at a time. The lack of strong scripting creates a spontaneous flow, which leads listeners to repeat these conversations to their peers, their friends and their families, creating their own versions of the discussion and making new connections.
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Podcasting Sermons
The Internet has made spreading faith significantly easier. In the past, community residents were limited to the churches, temples and houses of worships that were available within driving distances. Coordinating schedules with sermons could be challenging for busy families.
Podcasting Sermons |
Submit Your Podcasts
Large directory of Podcasting Sites Submit your Podcasts |
Podcasting: The Promise And Perils
Podcasting is important. It represents a growing consumer appetite for quality, narrowcast, personal media. Podcasting is a bit of a warning sign to mass and mainstream media, as niche content takes hold.
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Technology and Politics
The U.S. Constitution safeguards the right to vote for every citizen over eighteen years of age, with few exceptions, ensuring a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Nevertheless, only about half of eligible voters historically vote for their president. Those who do make it to the polls are more educated than unschooled, more white than black, more men than women, more wealthy than poor, and more old than young.
Technology and Politics |
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