A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
How Do You Write About Podcasts?
How do you write about podcasts? This is a question that has been vexing me for almost as long as I have been listening to them. To be more precise: for nine years, because that is how long it is since I first pressed play on one.
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Taking the Plunge Into the Podcast Pool
Does it make sense for The Times to be directing its talent and money toward podcasts when newsroom cuts are imminent and every position is precious? If you buy into the prevailing in-house theory, the answer to that question is yes. Audio is part of the future because it attracts young people who aren’t typically Times subscribers. So the idea is to lure them with free podcasts, with the hope of getting them to take paid subscriptions.
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Should You Start a B2B Podcast for Your Business?
A professional podcast requires a professional host. Some companies choose to hire out the production of the podcast, but if you’re trying to keep expenses low and put a personal face on the content, you will want to identify a qualified and willing team member to take the lead.
Take a look at your current team. Does anyone stand out as a good speaker and interviewer who would also be willing to take on the podcast duties? This person should be a committed member of the team with leadership potential so that he or she is invested in delivering the best possible podcast result.
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How to make a great podcast – a beginners guide
When you are starting a podcast, think about where you want the show to end up and what you can do to get yourself to that point. Think about who you want involved in your show and what kind of quality control you want to put on it. There is so much benefit in embracing other podcasts, other people who make podcasts. If you listen to people who make other shows, if you engage with people who make other shows, you can learn so much about what you want to do with your own show.
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How NPR Increased Podcasting Ad Sales by 10 Times in 2 Years
NPR has the equivalent of a podcast testing lab that is now starting to reap huge financial dividends. For instance, the media organization late last year wanted to launch a new politics podcast, so it pitted a week-in-review concept versus a controversial/shocking programming idea on NPR One, its streaming news and podcast app. Results trickled in, akin to a classic A/B split test, and a podcast called NPR Politics was born.
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There is Room At The Podcasting Table For Women
Women have been talking about taking a seat at the table for years and years. But is the table itself the system—the very thing that is broken?
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Is Your Podcast Being Held Hostage By iTunes?
iTunes is notoriously finicky, and its team tends to take a Honey Badger approach to the concerns of indie podcast creators.
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Using The World Wide Web To Capture Your Market
Making sure your business has the right marketing strategy is one piece of a much larger puzzle. Running businesses that caters for specific target markets need to rely on many things. Making sure that your business has the right online presence is vastly more important now than it was five years ago. As communication is all encompassing, it is difficult to find one perfect way to achieve this with your customer. There are many different roads to go down, social media, mobile apps, video streaming; the list goes on. The Internet is so complex, how will you be able to have the perfect online presence for your business? Here are some tricks and tools to use.
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Practical Podcasting Tips for Lawyers
Many attorneys and law firms are turning toward digital content creation to better market their companies and connect with potential clients. One type of content that is increasing in popularity among legal practitioners is podcasting. In this episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss their nine years together creating podcasts, the benefits podcasting can provide to your legal career, and a few tips for attorneys interested in creating their own podcasts.
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How to Become a Podcasting Superhero with These Simple Tweaks
The great thing is, podcasting may still have a lot of room for growth, but over one-fifth of Americans currently listen to a podcast. In small niches, you can bet podcasting will make you a celebrity of sorts.
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Bumpers raises $1m to grow social podcasting app
Bumpers, a mobile app that lets people create and discovery podcasts, has raised $1 million in seed funding. The round led by Spark Capital with participation from Founders Collective and strategic angels including Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter.
The apps editing tools include automatic background cancellation, automatic voice equaliser and the ability to add segue music to recordings. Bumpers also features a new prompt each week to help inspire podcasters ideas.
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A Beginners Guide To Podcasting With WordPress
Podcasting has been making big waves on the Internet in the past decade. It’s only right that you make the most of this opportunity by setting forth to try it out for yourself.
Although the WordPress core offers support for podcasting, getting started on the right foot is not always a cakewalk. In this post, we will run you through a quick guide to starting podcasting with WordPress and cover some of the best podcasting plugins on the market.
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Bridge Ratings: Podcasting Not Mass Reach, But Fine Targeting
While 20% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the past 30 days, the majority of the survey sample -- 55% -- indicated that they are not interested in podcasts. That percentage has steadily decreased over the past three surveys, but it remains a substantial number of potential consumers of this audio platform. Lack of interest was lowest among 18-34 year olds, and greatest among teens and those 55+.
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An island no more: Inside the business of the podcasting boom
How hot is podcasting? Stupid V.C. money hot.
Money is chasing money. Podcast advertising expanded at a 48 percent rate last year, and it’s forecast to grow about 25 percent a year through 2020. By that point, it would be approaching half a billion dollars in annual ad revenue. That growth is rising from a small base, yes, but it’s very reminiscent of the old Interactive Advertising Bureau charts of Internet advertising we saw at the turn-of-the-century: tiny numbers growing explosively.
We can mark 2016 as the year the podcast business came of age.
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Why Recent Grads Are Breaking Up With Blogs in Favor of Podcasts
We have just seen phenomenal growth in podcasting, says Cristen Conger, host of the podcast Stuff Mom Never Told You. Conger and co-host Caroline Ervin have produced 800 episodes, and the show receives more than 1 million downloads per month. Conger says downloads have tripled since 2014.
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