A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
Law Firms Lean on Podcasting
Law firm leans on podcasting to evoke authentic brand
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Best Practices for Internal Podcasting
In 11 years of podcasting, I have produced all kinds of content, mostly for marketing/public relations/thought leadership. But there’s another constant: internal podcasts.
We do not hear about these podcasts very often, because they are hidden behind a firewall and consumed only by employees or association members. Organizations as diverse as IBM, Whirlpool and Disney are purported to be producing podcasts for internal purposes.
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Why Podcasting Works for Leading (and Leaders)
Executives are not always expert tweeters and bloggers. But in podcasting, they likely have a natural fit.
When it comes to messaging, sometimes we’re slow to get the message.
Associations stress out a fair bit about their content strategy—a term I do not exactly love, because it applies a lot of gravitas to what was once more simply called communications.
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How Podcasting Helped One Author Find Her Marketing Happy Place
Launching an indie book can be a daunting endeavor. An author has so many options for marketing activities that it is practically impossible to do all of them. Author Jenny Blake tried. But all that work took a toll.
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AirPods rock, but Siri still struggles
AirPods are on the naughty and the nice lists. Susie loves the build quality, the sound, even how they look like funky alien earrings. But using Siri for control—and pausing the music every single time!—is not a great solution, and starkly illustrates the problem of Apple treating its own apps and services better than everyones elses.
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The Best Investing Podcasts for 2017
In this era of video-on-demand, it would seem that audio would be the old-fashioned way to get your news and information. But the success of podcasts, which continues to grow, has turned media on its head.
As of early 2016, 21% of Americans age 12 or older said they had listened to a podcast in the past month, up from just 12% in 2013. Most of those listens are now being done on mobile devices, aka, their phones.
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Hot Pod: Macmillans new network shows how podcasts can be a logical next step for book publishers
The number of potential distribution points for on-demand audio is kinda getting out of hand.
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Podcasting A Year in Review
Innovations of the year
2016 saw some nice improvements in the way podcasts are made, published and shared.
The biggest innovations arose from social sharing of audio
This American Life birthed a product called Shortcuts. It takes the transcription of an episode, couples it with some automated kinetic text video generation and the end result is a beautiful, shareable piece of content.
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Podcasting set to go mainstream in 2017
For fans of audio fiction, 2017 promises to be a year of significant change as major players from the world of publishing, broadcasting and technology move into the field.
The big change over the past few years has been the development of radio as podcasting — audio files that can be downloaded and consumed at the listeners leisure. This has revolutionised the formerly staid world of radio, especially in the field of drama.
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The Top 8 Podcasting Innovations of 2016
Podcasts have revived talk radio.
In the mid-aughts, a former MTV VJ named Adam Curry started cheerleading the opportunity audio on-the-interent-and-off-to-iPods presented, and slowly a niche developed. In the last few years, podcasting has blossomed.
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Facebook Live Audio elbows in on radio and podcasting
Facebook spent much of 2016 tricking out its Live video broadcasting feature, most recently opening it up to footage shot with 360-degree cameras. But it seems they have been busy bringing another streaming option to professional organizations and amateur users alike. Today, the social titan is launching Live Audio for a select group of publishers, with plans to open it up to everyone next year.
The sound-only service could bring content like podcasts into News Feeds just like Live does for video.
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What My Podcast Mentors Taught Me
When my podcast first debuted in iTunes, I received a lot of questions about where I learned to podcast. And in my patented mix of naïveté and arrogance, I responded that I was self-taught.
But as I've continued along my podcasting journey, it's slowly dawned on me that I'm not self-taught—in fact, no one is.
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Listen Up: 2017 Podcast Predictions
If you have been sitting on the sidelines watching the decade-long growth of podcasting, prepare to be blown away in 2017.
After little more than a decade of experimentation and maturation, podcasting has hit its stride. Recent years have seen the medium steadily gain extraordinary traction with listeners, creators and brands. With 57 million Americans listening monthly (up 23%, year on year), the potential for podcastings star to rise through content, discovery, monetization and technology is strong. Here's how I believe 2017 -- a year of significant opportunity -- will play out for the industry.
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2016 Was Awful For Pretty Much Everything Except Podcasts
By many accounts, 2016 has been a terrible year. If it has one redeeming quality, however, that would be the fact that it gave us some fantastic podcasts to listen to, whether we wanted to blissfully forget about the world or try to better understand it.
According to Apple, over 10 billion ― with a B ― podcast episodes were consumed on its devices in 2016. That is 2 billion more downloads than 2015 and 3 billion more than 2014 on Apple devices alone.
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A Step-By-Step Walkthrough Of My Podcast Process
I am a big fan of transparency, especially since so many podcasters learn by observing—and the podcasting process can get pretty convoluted.
With that in mind, I'm breaking down my own weekly process to give you a basic idea of how it all works (and a realistic representation of the hours it takes to create a solo 30-minute weekly show). Please note that my way is not the only way—there are tons of great podcasting processes,
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