A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
More Australians tuning into podcasts: report
Podcasting is continuing to show strong growth in Australia according to the second annual Podcast Research Survey released by the ABC today.
Both the frequency of listening and time spent listening to podcasts has increased year on year.
The report found podcast awareness is high in Australia, with 89% of adult Australians claiming to be aware of podcasts. More than half of adult Australians have claimed to have tried podcasting, with trial increasing to 76% among 25 – 34-year-olds.
Podcast listeners are highly engaged, claiming to have listened to an average of six podcast episodes and four podcast series per week.
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Teaching the Art of Listening: How to Use Podcasts in the Classroom
Podcasts are far from a new classroom tool—teachers have been podcasting for more than a decade—but as their popularity continues to rise, teachers are finding new and innovative ways to bring them into the classroom.
In light of the Common Core State Standards' shift toward the use of nonfiction, podcasts provide a unique way to build critical thinking skills while adhering to state standards.
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Insider tips to enjoying podcasts
Since first invented in 1895, people have used a radio for news, entertainment, and passing the time on long trips, and they still very much do. I know this first-hand. I host a national talk show on over 400 top radio stations across the United States and internationally on Armed Forces Radio.
When it comes to the spoken word, podcasting is also a force. According to Edison Research, the number of podcast listeners is growing from 21 percent to 24 percent year over year. Podcasts are easy to produce and distribute, and all kinds of would-be broadcasters have clamored to express themselves through downloadable sound.
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Comedy Central Launching Podcast Network
Comedy Central is looking to extend its franchises, utilizing the hot and rising medium of audio podcasts. Beginning with The Jim Jefferies Show this week, Comedy Central is building the foundation for a podcast network based on their existing brands. After The Jim Jefferies Show Podcast will come another series based on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.
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Podfather Reviews: The deadly sins of podcasting
As much as I love and promote all sorts of podcasts, I feel like it’s time for me to go on a rant. I will be the last to admit this: Some podcasts are not perfect.
Even though podcasting is still a relatively new and developing platform for content, there are still annoying habits and clichés that drive me nuts.
Whether these clichés are picked up by from other places, like YouTube, or are unique to podcasting, these are a few habits that I wish would leave podcasting all together.
Podcasting is a medium where people can get creative with how to work with audio — just take a listen to fictional narrative podcast ...
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The Best Podcast Search Engine
Finding a podcast is easy; finding relevant episodes is harder. If you want to find, say, all of Paul F. Tompkins’s guest appearances, or podcast episodes about the Russian Revolution, try the podcast search engine Listen Notes.
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Special Delivery: Crafting The Perfect Podcast Ad
The blueprints for ads have always appeared to be somewhat formulaic in nature: Come up with a catchy tagline, make it memorable, use a persuasive technique, communicate a call to action, sell the product.
Simple, right? Not so much. The proliferation of content and the way people consume, digest and engage with it has gone through an unprecedented evolution over the last few years.
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The Power of Podcasting
Look around you. At the people on the train, in your office, on the street. Joggers, walkers, pram-pushers. All sporting earphones. Many are dialled into their favourite music, but it is increasingly likely that they are immersed in their favourite podcast. In a world where so many avoid traditional communication, we are turning to the spoken word for solace.
Podcasts have had spikes of popularity since emerging as part of the portable digital boom of the early noughties.
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Tools for Podcasting
Podcasting is increasing in popularity and, realizing that many are interested in providing audio content in a podcast, we have assembled a collection of tools that make creation, promotion and listening to podcasts a little easier.
1.) Podcasting Tools
Podcasts are simply RSS feeds that contain audio content. By using a combination of RSS and podcast related tools users can use this new communication medium.
Tools for Podcasting |
Five Reasons To Listen To Podcasts
It is easier than ever to find, subscribe and listen to literally thousands of podcasts on every topic from news, arts, business, comedy, education, politics, sports, technology, music, health, spirituality, hobbies, and more. Podcasters create content and publish their episodes on popular platforms like iTunes, Google Play, Sticher as well as a variety of other podcasting directories and apps.
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3 Easy Steps to Start a Podcast for Content Marketers
Several early-adopting companies have already begun creating a podcast to further push their content marketing efforts. There are loads of data sources out there that point to podcasts as the next frontier for media engagement, especially for the coveted affluent millennial demographic. Everyone has a blog, videos are hit or miss, podcasts could help move the needle for your marketing efforts, reach new customers, and increase engagement with your brand.
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How Podcasting Works
While some traditional radio talk shows have begun providing podcasts of their regularly-scheduled broadcasts, the bulk of the podcasts that have cropped up tend to be independent broadcasters who have a fascination with technology. As a result, some podcasts are a little rough around the edges. Nonetheless, it is clear that the technology provides a significant opportunity and potential. Even nay-sayers believe that podcasting is more than a passing fad.
Podcasting is RSS that is used to syndicate and distribute audio files.
How Podcasting Works |
Why Millennials Are Choosing Podcasting Over Blogging To Build Their Personal Brands
Millennials are on the move far more than generations before them and their mobile devices are their lifelines. Also, according to a 2016 BNP Paribas Global Entrepreneur Report, millennials are starting more companies at an earlier age and targeting much higher profits than their baby boomer parents and grandparents.
These three facts tell us some important things about a millennials lifestyle: They want to stay connected and they want to make their mark. To do these, more millennials are developing a personal and a professional brand that they can project and expand to a growing community.
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