A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
The unlikely role of true crime podcasts in criminal justice reform
Beginning with Serial in 2014, the popular podcast about a Baltimore teens murder and her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed, who is serving a life sentence after a highly contested conviction, there’s been an explosion of true crime and wrongful conviction retellings and analyses through audio. In fact, true crime podcasts often top the iTunes top podcast chart, generally considered the best measure of a show’s popularity.
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Top 5 Benefits of Podcasting for Small Business Ventures
Podcasting has lately garnered immense popularity in small business ventures, especially due to the host of benefits that come with it. Now, in here, I have compiled a brief list of these very same benefits for your reference. So take a quick peek at them without any further ado.
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The rise of the podcast adaptation
To succeed, a podcast adaptation should draw on televisions strengths. When the makers of This American Life, the genre-defining audio series, turned to creating a documentary series of the same name (broadcast on Showtime in 2007 and 2008), they applied their storytelling nous and feel for unusual characters to new stories. It blended the essence of the radio show with stunning visuals—one episode followed a photographer, another illustrated a couple’s disintegrating marriage with animations—and went on to win two Emmy awards. It kept the feel of the podcast, but it was not beholden to it.
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Podcasting App Transcribes Shows for Better Search
We called this one, a long time ago. Since then, we’ve been watching the development of natural language processing in the podcasting space ever since. It is starting to come together.
Podcasts are a product driven by words, spoken words, but, unlike words in text, they are not words that are easily indexed by the crawling robots of Mountain View and Redmond (that is, Googles and Bings). A lot of good information is hiding in podcasts that could be useful to people, but they ca n not access it because it’s not searchable.
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Here is Exactly How You Build A Seven Figure Podcast
Podcasting and spoken word audio has been all the rage these days with a number of influential entrepreneurs and online personalities such as Gary Vaynerchuk touting its potential. The central argument is that audio does not take up the full capacity of one’s attention that video does, allowing the consumer to multitask. Podcast or audiobook listeners can be checking their email, browsing the web or even scroll through Instagram while digesting audio information the entire time. Another key trend in consumer behavior is the desire to learn.
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Canadians Finally Get a Study on Podcasting Habits
We are told that podcasting is hot, a statement that’s backed up by all kinds of American statistics and studies. Thats great, but could we please get some numbers that are relevant to Canada?
Thats finally happened thanks to a couple of research companies, Audience Insights and Ulster Media. Details came out this week in a document called The Canadian Podcast Listener, which looked at the podcasting habits of 4,000 people across the country.
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How To Jumpstart Your Online Profile With A Podcast
With the best will in the world, even if you started a blog today, it would take months if not years for you to grow an audience of readers. That’s if you don’t run out of steam first. Even as far back as the blogging hey-days of 2009, the New York Times released data showing that 95% of blogs were abandoned. It’s not surprising. Writing well is not something everyone can do (despite what many business leaders think about their blogs). An even greater barrier is the time they take to make. Given that research from BuzzSumo now shows it’s long-form content (3000+ word articles) that are more likely to get shared - that is a big time commitment.
Podcasting could be a solution.
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Should You Really Start That Podcast? 6 Tips From An Audio Storytelling Vet
As a public radio veteran and podcasting pioneer, Hoffmann knows a thing or two about the ins and outs about the evermore buzzy medium of audio storytelling. And fortunately for those of us curious to dabble, she has got a few pointers.
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Politicians Are Bad at Podcasting
These days, it seems that everybody’s got a podcast, even members of Congress.
Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Representative Sean Duffy of Wisconsin debuted their own podcasts this month, joining audio series begun earlier this year from Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.
The concept is a no-brainer: satisfy Americans seemingly insatiable thirst for political analysis from ready-made political stars with inside perspectives. And from the elected officials perspective, the appeal is obvious. They can sidestep media gatekeepers and beam their personalities and priorities straight to their constituents ears, all while heightening their national brands, perhaps in anticipation of seeking higher office. It is less clear what the constituents get out of the deal.
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Spooky Podcasts for Halloween
Tis the season to be scared out of your wits! October is upon us and we don't know how you choose to celebrate the greatest of seasons, but for us, the Autumnal bliss of fallings leaves and unnerving terror is something that requires a full month of excitement. Halloween may only be one day a year, but the joys of being scared are forever.
There are plenty of ways to indulge in the delights of the occasion, from spooky movies and those epic Twilight Zone marathons to perfecting your costume and combining the deliciousness of candy and booze. Now, in our wonderful modern age, you can even get scared on the move thanks to the domination of podcasting. There truly is something for everyone, a niche to satisfy every obsession you have. Whether you like geeky analyses of horror pop culture, entrancing genre storytelling or something a little more true to life, there’s plenty out there to keep your attention during those long walks home (and enough to keep you looking over your shoulder at every turn).
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Boost Efficiency And Lower Stress With A Podcast System
How Do I Systemize My Podcast?
The first step to systemizing your podcast, says Ilunga, is to get a grasp on your workflow.
Map out the different steps you follow to go from episode idea to episode marketing. After that, you can focus on systemizing each component individually.
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