A Podcasting Blog from Podcasting Tools - Daily Podcasting News and Information for Podcasters and Listeners.
Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
Podcast convention makes stars of radio hosts
I had intended to visit the first PodCon, a conference for fans and makers of podcasts, but it seemed I had blundered into a casting call of extras for an upcoming film about the space program or crime-fighting mathematicians. So many of my fellow bespectacled white men, ages 25-40, surrounded me that I felt like the penguin in this classic Far Side comic.
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The Value of Podcasts
According to Brendan Regan, VP of Content & Partnerships at podcasting platform audioBoomm, for NewsWeek, when you pass someone with earbuds in you have to wonder, is it music they’re playing or is it the latest episode of their favorite podcast? More than a third of Americans have listened to podcasts (112 million) vs. fifteen percent of Americans listen to a podcast weekly, loyally following the tales of their favorite voices.
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Is it time to add podcasting to your marketing mix?
If 2017 was the year of video marketing, is 2018 the year of the podcast? On the brink of a fresh podcast series. Barb Mosher Zinck weighs the options – and explains how podcasting can fit into the marketing mix.
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Spotifys Unusual IPO Model Will Test The Companys Strength
Spotify, the popular music streaming service, will officially take the company public this spring and is planning a very unconventional IPO that has investors talking.
With Spotifys IPO, the narrative so far has been that this is yet another tech company innovating and disrupting investment banking. But that image is starting to erode.
Typically with IPOs, the company going public hires a big investment bank to both issue new shares and then go out and sell them. But Spotify plans to simply list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange and let them trade.
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3 reasons having a podcast is a no-brainer in real estate
We are on the cusp of the audio revolution, which is going to blow video marketing out of the water. Why? Because audio content such as podcasts and audiobooks allow us to multitask in a world where we seem to never have enough time.
Video marketing took off because it was easier to consume than the written word. However, many videos require you to stop what you are doing and watch them. Audio only requires you to listen.
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After 13 Years, Podcasting Has Finally Come Of Age For Corporations
Today you can open your smartphone, search for a podcast and play it instantly. Its now simple to find, subscribe, queue and listen to podcasts. That simplicity, combined with the ability to connect to apps or our mobile device via our commute, is increasing listenership significantly.
According to Edison Research, 24% of internet users listened to a podcast in the last month. Edison Research also reports more than one out of five listeners listen to three to five hours of podcasts per week. Bridge Ratings has called 2017 the breakout year for podcasting, reporting that 45% of light podcast listeners turn into weekly listeners year over year.
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How Podcasting Hurts Preaching
Up until what seems like just yesterday, Christians had to show up in church to hear the sermon on Sunday morning.
It happened in real time, once a week. If you missed it, you might get the highlights from someone else, but if not, you had to wait until next time. Part of the motivation to get out the door each Sunday was getting to participate in a completely unrepeatable moment in time.
This is why churches need to rethink the recent trend in making sermons available online. Churches, like any other institution, cannot simply adopt the latest communication technology with impunity. There are profound consequences for doing simply what is possible and popular in our culture without considering what is prudent.
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Spotify Has New Plan to Take on Radio and Reinvent Podcasts
Spotify, the worlds largest paid music service, will begin offering news and political coverage to lure listeners away from radio and podcasts from rival Apple Inc.
Eight companies, including BuzzFeed and Refinery29, have agreed to produce programming for the new initiative, called Spotlight. One of the first shows will be a four- to seven-minute daily newscast featuring reporting from BuzzFeed journalists across the globe. Spotlight will only be available to customers in the U.S. at first.
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Ways Podcasters Can Gain More Listeners
Over the last few years, the podcasting culture has risen remarkably in India. With India going digital, the listeners are also growing tremendously. Not only it is easy to get started, but it also gives you the advantage of consuming the information differently. Many entrepreneurs utilize this powerful tool to grow their business potential. However, for a podcaster, to keep the audience engaged takes a lot of hard work. Thus, podcasters should always make sure that their content is more likeable.
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An Insiders Guide To Podcasting: 9 Steps To Get Started Today
Podcasting is expanding as a broadcasting platform, and it’s not too late to get in the game. Top podcasters are reaching millions of people each month and monetizing their audiences to sustain thriving businesses.
When I first started my podcast, Unconventional Life, I knew nothing about podcasting. I stumbled into it with the help of Google and a willingness to learn through experience.
While I made just about every mistake in the book—from stumbling over my words to awkwardly stitching together my audio to cover up my dog barking—eventually I got it right.
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The Best Podcasts of 2017
Since there is no form of mass communication with a lower bar of entry (with the exception of blogging), finding the best podcasts of 2017 is kind of an impossible task. But as the sheer number of podcasts out there has grown, so has the audience for them. Edison Research has found that 40% of Americans have listened to a podcast with almost a quarter having listened to a podcast in the previous month. iHeartMedia alone has more than 600 different shows, and NPR’s 41 shows have accounted for more than 100 million downloads.
Instead of combing the thousands of shows out there, we just want to highlight some of our favorite podcasts of 2017.
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