Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
Podcasts: The new audio frontier
The podcast playground has matured into a serious business over the last 12 months. From Nine to News Corp, Pedestrian to Mamamia, and Southern Cross Austereo to Nova, media companies are throwing their hats in the ring, chasing the next hot medium and the ad dollars it promises.
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5 Podcast Pluses for E-Commerce SMBs
Podcasting is one of the hottest media trends in the last several years. Almost everyone, it seems, has a podcast these days. Should e-commerce business owners jump on this bandwagon? Can podcasting really boost the bottom line?
If you do decide to make a podcast, do your best to make it exceptional. That means having good audio quality, excellent content, a unique voice, and a strong sense of audience and purpose.
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Eight Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Podcast
It seems there is a podcast for every professional interest out there, from broad topics like entrepreneurship and career advancement to niche subjects like agile development and software as a service. With 67 million Americans tuning into podcasts each month, theres a growing potential to reach your customers through this medium.
With a decent microphone, audio editing software and a solid set of topics, just about anyone can start creating and distributing their own podcast.
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Getting a Bigger Slice of the Pie for Podcasts
Webster noted that these are some clear indications that one of the primary places where podcasting will claim its share is from AM/FM radio. He also compared how these people talk about radio versus how they talk about podcasts.
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Technology, Podcasting, Authenticity Celebrated at PubTechConnect
Podcasts and collaborative audio projects are becoming more prevalent in the classroom, thanks to technology that is constantly improving and the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices. Kids are learning on the go, and these evolving opportunities must meet them where they live—on the devices that are always at their fingertips.
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Are your students podcasting yet?
From products to process to ideas, here's all you need to bring podcasting into your classroom
Podcasts and collaborative audio projects are becoming more prevalent in the classroom, thanks to technology that is constantly improving and the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices. Kids are learning on the go, and these evolving opportunities must meet them where they live—on the devices that are always at their fingertips.
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Pros & Cons of including podcasts to your content marketing strategy in 2018
Gone are the days when broadcast radio and television were the only means marketers used to reach out to their audiences. Today, podcasting has gradually developed into a new platform for storytelling.
An average user spends more than 20 minutes in listening to a podcast. This is one of the most influential motives to incorporate podcasting as part of your content marketing approach. It gives you the prospect of developing a deep relationship with your main audience.
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Podcasts On Multiple Platforms
More than a few podcasts originate as live shows before being adapted for the Internet. Some are produced live, then digitized into podcast format. Others start live, then move into a studio where they are produced as episodic podcasts.
You may know about The Moth, a live audience, stand-up, notes-free, true personal story-telling program featuring everyday folks, sometimes celebrities, whose tales are worth sharing. The Moth was born in the Deep South, on a screened-in patio (hence the moths), where friends would gather to exchange stories and entertain each other.
It morphed into a staged production, became a hot ticket in New York, then begat the very popular public radio show, The Moth Radio Hour
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Ad spend triples as media agencies back podcasts
Podcast fanfare has shifted media buyer behaviour as agencies act on the trend and triple spend in audio streaming advertising.
According to the latest IAB Australia’s Audio Advertising State of the Nation research, the number of media agencies using podcast advertising regularly has nearly tripled in the last year.
Interest in podcasts rapidly swelled last year as publishers, brands and radio networks jumped into podcasting with both feet. From monetisation advancements, such as dynamic ad insertion, to creating bespoke sponsored podcasts, the hype has been at an all time high for some time.
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The rise of voice technologies means new opportunities for podcasting
In its Smart Audio Report early this year, NPR and Edison Research found that one in six Americans own at least one voice-activated smart speaker, up a whopping 128 percent over last year. So it’s no surprise then that as the popularity of voice assistants soars, podcasting is getting a boost in its already meteoric rise.
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Everything You Need To Know To Start Your Own Podcast, According To The ProsX
We are in the midst of a podcast revolution. From journalistic storytelling like 99% Invisible and Serial to interview-style shows like The Jordan Harbinger Show, podcasting is more popular than ever.
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The Power Of Podcasting To Fight The Patriarchy
Like much of media, podcasting is dominated by male voices. Although women make up nearly half of all podcast listeners, the vast majority of podcasts are led by men. As of this writing, only 21 of the top 100 podcasts on iTunes are hosted by women, and nine have women co-hosts.
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Advertisers Were Slow to Embrace the Web, and They Are Doing It Again With Podcasts
There are some striking similarities between the internet 20 years ago and podcasting today. In 1997, there were 70 million internet users worldwide. Today, there are 67 million monthly podcast listeners. In 1997, $906 million was spent on internet advertising. Today, $243 million is spent on podcast advertising, which is expected to double by 2020. What ties these parallel storylines together? Measurement.
The internet as it was and podcasting as it is have met similar crossroads. Both mediums grew at an unexpected, if not unprecedented pace, and where there’s an audience, there’s a buck to be made. Advertisers sought to capitalize on those opportunities, reaching new captive audiences, but there was a lag between audience growth and the advertising dollars that eventually came.
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Explain the Content of Podcasts, Not the Technology
One sure sign that NAB is right around the corner is the release by Edison Research and Triton Digital of the latest edition of Infinite Dial. The report is always crammed with the latest insights on consumer behaviors as they relate to media and technology in America. You can bet it will be discussed and dissected at length in Las Vegas next month.
This year, the highlights of the report were presented by Edison’s Senior Vice President Tom Webster during a one-hour Facebook Live broadcast on March 8. The focus was podcastings share of speech.
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Podcasts should be recognized as legitimate form of entertainment
Television, music and movies are typically the main channels that come to mind when one thinks of entertainment, but that should no longer be the case.
The advent of the digital age has led to a rise in content outside of typical mediums, and just because this content is different does not mean it should be viewed as a lesser form of entertainment.
One such medium is the podcast, which is basically a digital audio show that can easily be downloaded to a phone or computer from a variety of sources. The first ever podcast was released by Christopher Lydon in 2003, according to The Guardian. Podcasts, however, have only lately gained massive audiences thanks to newer services and products provided by companies like Apple and Spotify.
More than 60 million American homes listened to podcasts in 2017, according to Nielsen. This is a culmination of podcasting’s steady rise in popularity throughout the past decade.
Such a phenomenon clearly coincides with the general increase in digital media consumption that is a result of the current digital age.
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