Daily Podcasting Blog and news related to podcasting, RSS, podcast news and aggregation. Information related to podcasts are added on a daily business and cover the gamut, from new podcast product announcements, podcast directories, marketing for podcasters and much, much more.
Recording Live Music for Podcasts
A short, first-hand experience of recording live music and interviewing musicians in the field. Tips
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How Far Has Podcasting Come?
Blubrry is a directory of over 530,000 podcasts. According to the company’s CEO Todd Cochrane, 85,000 new shows were created from 2016 to 2017 and 126,000 new shows were created from 2017 to 2018. Of course, many of those shows crash and burn. They fail due to the quality of the content or the host losing interest after realizing it’s just not that easy. Cochrane says the average number of episodes before hosts throw in the towel is three. After three shows, they quit. Cochrane says another factor that plays into hosts quitting is the platform. If a host chooses a platform and that platform does a poor job of promoting the show for the host, nobody will even know it exists.
Hernan Lopez, the CEO and Founder of Wondery.com says his research shows that podcast listeners are now dpownloading about 1 billion episodes per month. And those listeners are downloading nearly 15 episodes or podcasts every month.
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Google and Podcasting
Podcasting is a growing medium for marketers to tell a brand’s story. The numbers are astounding, and reflect similar growth in video over the last few years. Recent research by Edison Research shows that 11% more Americans listened to podcasts in 2016 when compared to the prior year. Over 110 million Americans listened to a podcast at least once in 2016, and 67 million Americans listen to at least one podcast a month. Phones and tablets are the preferred device to listen to a podcast with two-thirds being accessed through those devices.
If you are marketer, you have to pay attention to podcasting. The phenomenon is only expected to increase as Google moves into the space. Currently around 500,000 active podcasts exists, and Google predicts that number will double in the next few years. Google is paying attention to these statistics and is moving toward incorporating podcasts into search results — much like it does with video where search results are broken down into separate boxes at the top of the screen.
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5 Reasons Podcasting Should Be a Part of Your Marketing Playbook
How To Make Best Use Of A Podcast
Podcast were made famous by MTVs Adam Curry, over a decade ago but after that initial burst of popularity they fell out of favor, said Kent Lewis, president and founder of Anvil Media. In the past few years, though, podcasting has seen incredible resurgence. Research shows consumers value podcasting as a medium for information and entertainment and appreciate brands that utilize the medium.
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4 Practical Ways to Repurpose Podcast Content
Podcasting is one of the most effective mediums in the modern world. With a microphone and some free editing software, individuals and businesses can spread their message in the form of on-demand, nternet-based audio shows. Here are four practical ways to repurpose a podcast for maximum engagement.
According to stats released in March 2018, over 44 percent of the U.S. population has listened to podcasts. Up to 80 percent of podcast listeners stay tuned for all or most of each episode, averaging a total of seven shows per week. When one looks at the growth of podcasting over the last five years, it has been an explosive upward trend that does not seem to be ending anytime soon. With the incredible popularity of podcasting today, it should come as no shock that businesses are becoming more involved in this growing medium, whether through advertising or creating shows of their own. But those who produce a podcast and stop there are missing some beneficial marketing opportunities. It is possible to repurpose podcast content, extending its reach far beyond the listening audience.
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Speakers, Monitors and Headphones
Monitors are probably the most important audio device in our pursuit of professional sound and audio clarity. To be effective when mixing, studio recording technicians, engineers, sound designers and producers need to be able to hear the sound represented as accurately as possible. Only then can they create a universally listenable production, whether the audience listens through earbuds, stereo speakers or in a car traveling down the highway.
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Podcast Monetization You Have Options
If you have a podcast with a captive audience though, then it will be possible to monetise it on some level.
There are a few different options available to you. You can try as little or as many of them as you like, though it’s arguably better to focus on fewer and do them well rather than spread yourself too thin.
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Want To Be Heard? 11 Crucial Tips For Starting A Podcast
When it comes to controversial content, podcasts have it in the bag. I do not mean the media genre itself is particularly racey; I am talking about the way we consume it as a culture.
Not everyone listens to podcasts; those who do tend to be diehards of the medium while others have never so much as heard one. Oddly enough, it is a fairly even split— with half of American homes listening to podcasts. That dichotomy is not present for many other media styles, but it actually lends a competitive edge to podcasts.
Listeners are extremely engaged— which is the ultimate buzzword for anyone marketing anything socially. Unlike social videos, like Facebook in-feed which holds an average watch time of 16.7 seconds, podcast listeners keep listening, with 80% listening to all of the episodes they begin— and thats week after week.
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Studio Cable Management for Podcasters
An epic journey of studio tidying, cable management, and Lovecraftian Horrors.
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Podcasting for Real Estate: Top Tips to Get Started
Tips for Starting Your Own Podcast
Understand who you are, he says. If you work well with other people and you are willing to work through challenges with a partner, then do it.
If you work better alone, then work alone.
Expect to encounter a learning curve with where to host your podcast and how to get started.
Learn how to tell your guests story so the guest is the hero, not you.
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He Helped Podcasting Go Mainstream
Dan Franks is the co-founder of Podcast Movement, an annual conference — or the ultimate gathering spot — for anyone interested in or involved with podcasting and the podcast industry. The event is now in its fifth year and takes place next week in Philadelphia. Back in 2014, a few hundred people attended the show. Next week there will be thousands — along with nearly 100 vendors that have something to do with podcasting. We spoke to Dan about the growth of his event, the popularity of podcasting, and what attendees can expect next week.
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Podcasts Hit the Books
Publishers are seizing on the audio medium known for its eclectic voices and passionate fans; ‘the market for weirdness is untapped’
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How to Create a Podcast Marketing Strategy That Speaks to Your Audience
Convince & Convert notes that one-third of Americans ages 25 to 54 listen to podcasts at least monthly. Those podcast fans listen to an average of seven different shows each, meaning that there is space for your branded content to become the next new, engaging entrant in their queue.
To capitalize on this opportunity, though, brands must invest significant resources into developing a podcast marketing strategy that aligns with the company’s marketing goals while also building a dedicated audience.
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Castbox Blockchain Solution to Monetize Podcasting
Podcasting has become a popular media source. The problem is that content creators are not making much money on their work. Castbox has been a leading platform for podcasting. Now the Castbox blockchain platform, Contentbox, may help podcasters make more from their hard work.
Podcasting superstars like Joe Rogan have no problem making money from their show.
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